Which electric razor is better: rotary or foil?

For many men, shaving is akin to a ritual. Some people prefer to use razors and shaving brushes, while others choose electric shavers. Regarding the latter, it is worth noting that they are represented on the market in a rich assortment. In order not to get lost in this variety, let’s find out what the differences are between the two main types of similar devices (rotary and foil razors).

How it works and how it works

First, let's look at how these units are designed. It was the differences in design that determined the nature of their work.

Rotary razor

The main components of a rotary razor are:

  • plastic housing;
  • electric motor;
  • battery and “charging”;
  • rotary knives (titanium is best);
  • mesh disk.

The working process of this design begins with a motor that receives current. There is an eccentric gear on the drive shaft coming out of it, and the same parts are installed on the spindle of each blade. These elements are fitted very carefully, which allows for high rotation speeds.

The hairs themselves are cut off upon contact with the junction of the blade and the mesh.
Rotating around the circumference of heads set at different angles, the blades remove hair in hard-to-reach places. Important! Due to the large number of rotating elements, such models require more frequent lubrication.
Due to their more complex design, rotary razors are more expensive than foil razors. The most popular are products with 1-3 heads, although there are also 4-5 ones. As for blades, double blades are considered the most practical.

Foil shaver

Such units consist of:

  • housings;
  • electric motor;
  • battery and charging cord;
  • steel mesh cover;
  • movable blade or blade knife.

The main unit is a combination of a movable knife and a fixed mesh lid. The last hair that hits the surface is immediately captured and cut off by vibrating blades.

The more grids, the more effective the shaving (usually buy products with 3-4). If you take a closer look, it turns out that these devices may differ from each other except in the position of the grids relative to each other. And their displacement is often minimal. The operating principle itself remains unchanged.

Which type of razor is better: rotary or foil, what is the difference and how to decide on your choice

Having dealt with the technical “stuffing” of both types, many immediately ask themselves: which one is better suited for a particular skin type. It is this moment that is often decisive when purchasing.

For rough stubble

Rotary models cope better with such vegetation: their characteristic holes will shave off any stubble at the root.

They also have other advantages:

  • movable cutting blocks can work in different planes, perfectly following the contour of the face;
  • knife self-sharpening function, which extends the service life of the cutting edge;
  • even affordable products with two knives in a block are not much inferior to more expensive ones, where there are 3 or more of them (moreover, they often surpass them in the final result).

Did you know? Until the beginning of the 19th century, shaving and haircuts were considered medical procedures, and barbers were considered equal to doctors.
But a rotary razor has a significant drawback: after processing, you feel noticeable irritation , so this device is not suitable for everyone (and this is the main significant difference for the user).

For sensitive skin

This kind of work is more suitable for a foil razor. Unlike the rotary unit, which can sometimes simply pull in hairs, causing pain, the mesh strips grind the stubble immediately without causing discomfort.

Other advantages include:

  • ease of mesh replacement;
  • more repairable design;
  • quick adaptation to this shaving regimen;
  • possibility of removing thick bristles (the length of the grip is longer than that of the rotor).

True, all these advantages pale slightly against the background of the “family” disadvantage of mesh blocks - the softness of the processing does not always compensate for poor shaving in hard-to-reach places .

Find out what are the advantages of using electric shavers over a conventional razor.

Features of a foil electric shaver

Mesh and knives

Foil electric shavers have a crank mechanism, consisting of two knives, which are located as close to each other as possible. The skin is protected from knives by a special mesh with many holes. The hairs fall into the holes and are cut off with knives that are located under the mesh.

Read our article about sharpening electric razor knives yourself.

In most devices, the holes in the mesh are located at different angles to cut hairs growing in different directions.

The shaving head in a foil razor is also floating, following the contours of the face.

The main material for the mesh is stainless steel or platinum. The first option is more budget-friendly, but also less safe for the skin. Platinum, unlike stainless steel, has hygienic properties that prevent the growth of bacteria. In addition, it is a more durable and wear-resistant material, the service life of such a head is longer, and the thickness is smaller, which provides a better shave.

Previously, all foil razors were equipped with only a stainless steel mesh; it was thicker, and accordingly, the distance from the surface of the skin to the knives was greater. Shaving with such a device, although less “clean,” was more suitable for those with sensitive skin prone to irritation. Now the presence of a foil with a thin metal thickness is compensated by the ability to choose a more suitable shaving mode - wet or dry. In this case, before the procedure, gel or foam is applied to the skin, which creates a protective film.

Good to know: functions of a compact travel electric razor.

Using shaving foam or gel will help avoid skin irritation

The number of knives in modern foil razors is from one to four. In this case, the working tool can be supplemented with a trimmer knife, located on the edge of the main knives or between them. The device can also be equipped with a trimmer for trimming temple hair or trimming eyebrows. Such a tool can be used in both rotary and mesh devices.

Additional trimmer in a rotary shaver

Let's compare in more detail

Everything is clear about the fundamental advantages. But the potential buyer is also interested in a lot of other factors that affect the ease of use of the razor, its functionality and, finally, its service life. However, first things first.

Size and comfort

If we talk about sizes, then the primacy will go to mesh units: they are more compact and lighter - this is due to their simpler design.
Important! Before use, be sure to check the condition of the meshes and blocks again - cracks and dents on these planes will cause a lot of inconvenience (and even cuts) when shaving.
Those who like to experiment will love the possibility of working with rotary ones: they can work with a trimmer attachment. Forming a mustache or goatee with such a thing is a couple of trifles. The kit usually comes with an attachment for short stubble.

Similar accessories are used when using foil razors, but they are still inferior in efficiency (which is partly compensated by their large assortment).

Rotary models are also distinguished by a quieter “temper” - most of the products currently offered are practically silent.

In terms of maintenance (meaning replacing the mesh), mesh ones are more profitable - in the case of them, this is a matter of a few seconds.

Ease of maintenance largely depends on the handling of the device. But here, too, the rotor comes out ahead: its elements are stronger, they need to be changed less often, and accordingly, less time is required for maintenance.


A correctly selected attachment for the “rotor” eliminates damage to the skin.
Although there is a nuance regarding the condition of the blade: a dull edge can chew hairs, which does not give the most pleasant sensation. Did you know? Contrary to popular belief, shaving does not make hair thicker.
The length of the foil razor, coupled with its narrow slats, plays a cruel joke: if you misplace it or press it too tightly to your face, you can get a cut.

Skin after shaving

The rotary heads with double blades stand out: the first lifts the hair, and the second cuts it. As a result, literally in one pass there are no traces of vegetation left on the skin. But men with sensitive skin will have to pay for this with redness and irritation.

Although this picture can also occur when using a mesh system: removing hairs in one step is problematic (often you have to catch the bristles with a bar). Frequently moving the razor over the same area, but in different directions, can result in the same redness.

But, over time, the owners gain some experience, and the number of such maneuvers decreases, which has a good effect on the condition of the dermis.

Spent time

Rotary heads are much faster - rotating at high speed, they reduce the number of passes to a minimum: the bristles are removed in one sitting.

A narrow “mesh,” in turn, tends to let individual hairs through, which slows down the entire process.
Important! When starting to use an electric razor for the first time, let it run idle for a while - a working device will not produce unnecessary sounds such as grinding (and if it is plugged in, it will not heat up too quickly).
Both types can be equipped with a removable mini-battery. This device is capable of working in fast charging mode: 5-15 minutes - and the device is ready for use. It seems like a small thing, but anything happens (for example, you need to shave on the road), and this device really helps out.

Watch a video about the advantages and disadvantages of rotary and foil shavers:

Durability and service life

The movable nozzles of the rotor blocks are little susceptible to mechanical damage (especially if titanium coating is used).

Mesh strips cannot boast of such reliability: although they are made of steel, they are quite thin. Even flying from a low altitude can cause them to dent and require replacement.

It is difficult to provide specific data on the duration of operation. Manufacturers and sellers usually claim that it is practically unlimited. There is a considerable amount of truth in their words: with timely replacement of worn or broken parts, as well as careful handling of electrical components, the device can last for years (if not decades).

Availability of additional functions

Progress does not stand still, which also affected the functionality of the electric razor.

In the characteristics of modern models there are references to:

  • self-cleaning, which is considered something of a good practice regardless of the type of device. It’s simple: gel is applied to the knives and placed in a special container;
  • the ability to work with a wet shaving method (the type of razor is also not important, although foil devices work worse with gels and foam - the edge tends to get stuck, allowing hairs to pass through). Moreover, moisturizing gel is often supplied automatically, you just need to fill the reservoir;
  • floating head type. This is the prerogative of rotary devices. There are also mesh products on sale with similar edges, but their efficiency is lower (a little more effective than “mesh” with arc heads, but in our area this is still rare);
  • LCD display. A very useful thing - it shows the battery charge and, if necessary, reminds you to replace the blades or urgent cleaning;
  • cooling the skin, reducing the level of irritation;
  • recharging via USB connector.

Did you know? The legendary Soviet razor "Kharkov" had a rotary design, and already the first products, released in the late 1950s, had two heads.
The list is impressive, especially considering that many models come with a so-called docking station, which plays the role of a service station for the razor - it disinfects and cleans, lubricates and charges. The main thing is to change the fluid in the reservoir on time.

Comparison of parameters of rotary and foil electric shavers

Which razors are better: rotary or foil? Let's look at the main parameters of each razor:

Purpose. When choosing an electric razor model, consider your skin type:

  • Rough skin. It is recommended to give preference to rotary units that effectively eliminate thick stubble. They are able to completely shave off stubble due to the presence of round and oblong holes.
  • Sensitive skin. It is advisable to select mesh models that eliminate stubble without causing pain. The fine-mesh structure allows not only to remove stubble, but also to protect the skin from direct contact with the blade.

Size and comfort . What is the difference between a foil razor and a rotary razor? Razors can vary in size and ease of use:

  • Size . Foil models of electric shavers are valued by many due to the fact that they are smaller in size and weight compared to rotary devices.
  • Ease of use. Rotary models are more profitable because they make it much easier to shave a mustache and beard. Their advantages also include low noise. Mesh devices are quite easy to maintain, since replacing the mesh does not take much time.

Note! When using razors, certain features should be taken into account:

  • Mesh. Before using a foil shaver, it is recommended to check the condition of the foils, since the presence of cracks can have a very negative impact on the quality of shaving.
  • Rotary. When shaving, do not press the razor on the skin. This can cause pain and even skin breakdown.

Shaving efficiency . Which razor is better to choose: rotary or foil? Rotary and mesh models remove stubble from the skin in different ways:

  • Rotary. Rotary models with several blades allow you to quickly remove hair from the skin. However, this may cause skin irritation.
  • Mesh. They are unable to completely remove stubble in one pass, so you have to run the razor over one area several times. And this can also cause redness of the skin.

Rotary electric shavers can remove hair faster

Spent time . In this regard, rotary electric shavers have an obvious advantage. Their heads rotate at high speed and remove stubble very quickly. But mesh models do not remove hairs immediately, which slows down the shaving process.

Note! Modern electric shavers are usually equipped with removable mini-batteries that can be charged in 5-15 minutes. Such batteries are very useful for country trips.

Safety . The safety of the shaving process is one of the important criteria for choosing electric shavers:

  • Rotary. Rational selection of nozzles ensures high safety of rotary models. But if the edge of the blade becomes dull, it can cause pain.
  • Mesh. During the shaving process, you should optimally select the angle of the electric razor. Otherwise, small cuts to the skin may occur.

Lifetime. Which is better: a foil or rotary electric razor? Electric shavers can have different service life:

  • Rotary. The nozzles are highly resistant to mechanical damage. They only need to be replaced if there is significant wear. This is especially true for the most modern models of attachments that have a titanium coating.
  • Mesh. Cutting meshes are much less stable. Even with light loads, dents may form, which impairs the quality of the shave.

Availability of additional functions . When choosing a rotary or foil electric razor, it is recommended to pay attention to their functionality:

  • Self-cleaning function. Advanced models of razors are equipped with a reservoir filled with a disinfectant solution. Thanks to this function, the electric razor is cleaned, disinfected and dried.
  • Wet shaving. Using models that only have a dry shaving function can lead to skin irritation. But wet shaving, which can use various gels and ointments, is very useful for men with sensitive skin. Contamination of the electric razor can be removed by rinsing under running water and drying.
  • LCD display. Available in premium models. It not only displays the battery charge, but also reminds you when you need to change the blades or urgently clean them.
  • Automatic humidification. Innovative models are equipped with a reservoir with a dispenser. Before use, you need to fill the container with a moisturizing gel applied to the skin during shaving.

Availability of display

Power type

Wet shaving

For information! Some electric shavers may be equipped with USB connectors, color indicators, additional stands for use in the bathroom, a fast charging function, and a compartment for cut hairs.

  • Trimmer. Its presence is important for men with thick hair. Trimmers vary in design features. According to one classification, they are either floating or stationary. Floating models are preferable as they allow you to reach hard-to-reach places. Trimmers are also built-in (located between the cutting elements) and retractable (pull out at the right time).
  • Number of shaving heads. This indicator determines the effectiveness of shaving. Most electric razor models have multiple shaving attachments. There are also non-standard devices with a large number of heads.
  • Type of food. Foil and rotary razors are powered by mains or battery. Most devices are designed to work from the network. Corded electric shavers are inexpensive, but they vary depending on the length of the cord. Recently, battery-powered devices that are characterized by mobility and ease of use have become increasingly in demand.

How to shave with an electric razor correctly and safely

Holding a newly purchased device in your hands, you want to immediately try it out. But any method (be it hair removal with a machine or an electric razor) has its own specifics.

To make the process as comfortable as possible, follow this algorithm:

  • First, the skin is prepared for the procedure. If you use the dry method
    , you should not steam or moisten it - the blade simply will not take the hairs.
    Immediately before shaving, the skin is disinfected (cologne will do) and wait until it dries. Men with a dry skin type can skip this point - such products will cause them a feeling of “tight” skin and flaking. With the wet method,
    a non-foaming gel is used.
  • Turn on the razor. While slightly pulling the skin with your free hand, try to hold the device at a right angle to the desired area.
  • Move the working surface with light movements (no need to apply force). The rotor apparatus is moved in a circle, the grid apparatus is directed up and down.
  • After completing the procedure, rinse off any remaining hair with warm water; if there is redness, apply aftershave gel.

Important! When choosing a conditioner for wet shaving, pay attention to its composition.
A high-quality gel is produced with the participation of citral (it acts as an antiseptic) and a substitute for medical alcohol - isopropanol. In general, nothing complicated. But for those who have just switched from conventional machines, such an innovation at first may seem like sheer torture - the head seems to be moving in the wrong direction, and there is irritation on the cheeks. Be patient: after a week or two, the skin will get used to it, and the manual dexterity acquired in a short time will turn the shaving ritual into a quick and safe procedure.

Rules of care and use: how to extend the life of a hair removal tool

Like all mechanisms, an electric razor requires proper care.

The key to long service life of the device will be:

  • routine cleaning after each use (the hairs remaining there are shaken out from the blades - there is a separate brush for that). The presence of a docking station will only be a plus: the working surface is dipped into a container filled with a special compound;
  • Replacement of damaged meshes and blades as needed. Keep in mind that serviceable parts also have their service life. Thus, the shaving heads of rotary razors are prescribed to be changed every 2 years, while for foil razors they must be replaced after one and a half years;
  • Regular lubrication of cutting edges. The kit includes machine oil. It is used according to this scheme: a couple of drops are applied to the mesh and spread over its surface. Then the razor is turned on, and after about a minute the liquid will reach the desired point.

Did you know? Before the First World War, British soldiers were officially prohibited from shaving their mustaches .

The electrical part also requires attention: motor, battery and wiring. To keep them working longer, try to keep the razor away from heat sources such as batteries (of course, avoid water ingress).

Also, make sure that the halves of the housing are held firmly: loose fasteners will immediately cause inconvenience during operation, and dust will begin to seep into the unit, which threatens overheating.

Properties of rotary razors

A modern rotary electric razor can be equipped with one or more additional functions that make its use even more comfortable and convenient. The main positive properties achieved by using such additional functions include:

  • Possibility of wireless use, which allows you to use the device anywhere, regardless of the presence of an electrical source. To make this possible, the electric razor has a built-in battery, which in turn is charged from electricity. Some razor models can work both with and without a cable, powered by a battery. If the battery is recharged through a special docking station, using the device from the mains becomes impossible, which can be attributed to its disadvantages;
  • the ability to select wet or dry shaving modes to achieve the best result. Each person’s skin has its own individual characteristics, so for some, using shaving foam or gel allows them to achieve better results and avoid irritation. It is in this case that you can use the wet shaving mode, but at the same time understand that more favorable conditions are created inside the razor heads for the growth of harmful bacteria, so washing the foil and blades in this case is extremely necessary;

Learn about the features of a razor for coarse stubble.

  • Wet shaving with a rotary electric razor

  • the ability to trim your temples, beard or mustache using a special trimmer. A rotary electric razor equipped in this way becomes more practical and versatile, as it allows you to combine two devices with different purposes in one;

    Trimmer in a rotary electric razor

  • self-cleaning of razor blades and knives with a special disinfectant composition, the process of which is carried out in a special compartment of the docking station. In most cases, this component not only allows you to better rinse all elements of the razor that are contaminated during use, but also charges it at the same time.

Read the list of the best electric shavers of 2017-2018 here.

Principle of self-cleaning function

Dock station for charging and self-cleaning blades

The best electric shavers: top 3 according to users

There are a huge variety of such products in stores, so it’s easy to get confused. But in this sea of ​​technology there are models that have become generally recognized leaders. Let's briefly look at the characteristics of the most popular electric shavers.

Panasonic ES-SL41

Foil device with three floating heads for dry and wet shaving. The blades are sharpened at an angle of 30 degrees and move quite quickly (the motor develops 7600 rpm). Washing under running water is allowed.

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Powered by battery (charges in 8 hours). The autonomous session time is 21 minutes; if necessary, you can switch to a mode in the range of 100-240 V.

The kit includes a charging stand, a retractable trimmer and a storage case.
But there is no LCD display or automatic cleaning system, although this is the norm for this price segment. Important! When buying an electric razor, ask the seller in detail about the warranty conditions.
The A520 and R520 modifications are identical in technical terms and differ only in color - the first is painted blue-black, and the second sports red inserts.

Philips S3510 and S3120

This is a rotary razor for dry shaving. The same three floating heads, mains/battery power and 8 hours for a full charge. The battery life is up to 35 minutes; the charge status is indicated by an LED indicator.

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The blades are self-sharpening and work on all areas of the face and neck, and the movable heads follow the contour of the area. It is prohibited to clean a device with such an edge using a jet of water.

The model is inexpensive, as can be seen from the configuration: there is a protective cover and a cleaning brush, but there is no trimmer (as well as an auto-cleaning module). Although this does not bother buyers - the company is famous for the quality and durability of its products.

Braun 130 Series 1

A budget model of the legendary dry shave with one mains-powered head. The Smart Foil mesh captures hairs that have grown in different directions.

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It comes with a retractable trimmer and is rinsed with water after shaving.
Did you know? In a month, the hairs on the face grow to an average of 0.635 cm.
Judging by the reviews, this is a compact and high-quality product for those who value reliability and simplicity in things.

We found out the differences between rotary and foil shavers and compared their capabilities. We hope this information will be useful to those who want to make the shaving process more comfortable and faster. And let everything go smoothly!

TOP 5 best electric shavers

The world-famous Philips, Braun and Panasonic are rightfully considered the best global brands. Therefore, it is not surprising that the TOP 5 leading positions were occupied by these manufacturers.

Philips BG 2025

This foil electric razor has become a top seller among men due to its efficiency and durability. Despite the long charging time (8 hours), the Philips BG 2025 gets the job done quickly and doesn't require lengthy shaving.

The built-in trimmer opens up additional possibilities, and the titanium coating will be the best protection for sensitive skin. The best electric razor for business men who value their time.

Philips YS534

A rotary option that every lover of optimal solutions must buy. Three shaving segments follow the shape of the face and allow you to shave off stubble at the root, but this is not a complete list of possibilities. In one move, you can attach the beard trimmer and body trimmer.

This product is not afraid of water and is suitable for any type of shaving. An important point is that special attention should be paid to disinfecting knives; for this you will need a special solution.

Braun 5040-s Series 5

This grid model is created for people with a fast pace of life - you can charge the battery for one-time use in just 5 minutes, and a full recharge takes no more than an hour. If you're a fan of all-rounders, this is the razor for you - it's suitable for both wet and dry shaving. The Braun 5040-s has many pleasant surprises and will serve you for many years.

Philips RQ 1150

Featuring three floating shaving segments, this rotary shaver charges in just one hour and lasts more than 40 minutes. This option is perfect for both wet and dry shaving. The battery charge indicator will always tell you when the battery needs to be charged, and the locking function will prevent accidental activation. Simple, functional and tasteful.

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