Which is better to use for your home: a computer or a laptop, taking into account your needs?

Greetings, dear readers of the blog compblog.ru! Today we will figure out what is preferable - a desktop computer or a laptop.

Having become acquainted with all the pros and cons of these devices, by the end of the article you will 100% know how to make the right choice!

Should you buy a desktop computer or a laptop?

When coming to a computer store to buy expensive equipment, many are faced with the choice of what to buy: a classic system unit with a monitor, or a fashionable and compact laptop. The confusion is understandable - each of these devices has both quite significant advantages over its opponent, and tangible disadvantages.

You need to choose, as they say, according to your needs. Let's figure out together what you should choose.

Purpose of purchase

Before buying this or that IT equipment, decide what exactly you need it for. There are different categories of computers and laptops - from budget to ultra-expensive.

  • When purchasing a PC for Internet surfing, communicating on social networks or watching movies, there is no point in incurring large expenses. A good laptop from the middle or low price category will be enough for your home.
  • Is there a schoolboy or student in the house? Think seriously about the device! The child will learn, his abilities and needs will grow with him. A huge number of essays and term papers will soon be replaced by more serious tasks. For example, mastering presentations and editing simple promotional videos are a reality, not a fantasy, in the life of a modern student. Here you need a device with more serious power.
  • Aspiring web designers and other young freelancers need a device with good performance and a graphics card. Agree, it is almost impossible to write even a simple program or application in a “creaky” old man.
  • The class of ultra-modern gaming laptops stands a little apart. These are always very expensive devices with special capabilities and super speeds. Any advanced gamer knows that a good game costs good money, and there are no other options. At the same time, there is no point in buying such a “miracle of technology” for home use at the “kettle” level.

Advantages and disadvantages

A desktop computer and a laptop differ significantly in several ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. A comparison in the table will clearly show these differences:

Specifications computer laptop
Mobility Can only be used at home, mainly in one place. Heavy, large-sized. The most convenient form factor among serious computer equipment. You can take it on the road, to the dacha, to study. Light weight and dimensions.
Possibility of upgrade With the release of new software updates, it is easy to replace any desired component, for example, a video card, yourself. All important details are interconnected. If there is a need for a more serious device, you need to completely replace the laptop with a new one.
Repair Replacing one part is more affordable for the wallet and completely painless for the “stuffing” of the stationary unit. Very often the fan and video card fly along with the motherboard. Serious repairs and replacement of parts will cost a pretty penny.
Energy consumption Very resource intensive. Based on current electricity prices, this is quite an expensive multi-device. The high energy efficiency of each node individually together gives a good result. The savings on apartment bills at the end of the month are obvious.
Overheat Plenty of space in the system unit allows you to install an additional fan if necessary. It often overheats and even turns off during multitasking mode.
Operation speed Nimble and responsive With the same performance as a home PC, it runs much slower.
Multitasking A large number of outputs of all possible formats increases the multitasking of the computer to the skies. Here you can simultaneously add an MFP, a projector, a light pen, and everything will work quickly and easily. Moreover, at the same time. Often, in order to reduce the cost of products, the manufacturer removes as many ports and connectors as possible, which is not very convenient.

All about computers

Classic desktop computers have many advantages, as well as disadvantages. Let's focus on the positive aspects first.


What can you say in defense of your desktop computer:

  1. A good old “system unit” will cost several times less than a laptop with similar characteristics. And it will be easier to choose a computer to suit all your “wants” - you choose the components yourself (they are sold in any digital equipment store). Only you decide what filling the PC will have.
  2. Upgrade is possible! There is plenty of space in the system unit; everything the user wants can fit there. “Cool” system units can easily accommodate two video cards, a silent and far from small cooling system, hard drives, and a decent amount of RAM.
  3. If any component malfunctions, most often a person can replace it himself, without resorting to the services of specialists.
  4. Screen. Only you choose the monitor size and resolution.

By the way, you can connect an external monitor to your laptop.


Now we are closer to the disadvantages of a desktop computer:

  1. Lack of mobility: does not allow you to take your PC with you due to its size and components. Even moving it from room to another room is quite problematic.
  2. High power consumption.
  3. Mandatory attributes of a stationary device are computer furniture (it is not cheap) - a chair, a computer desk. Additional accessories - mouse, keyboard, headphones, microphone, speakers, webcam. All this needs to be placed in a room where space is often limited.
  4. Wires, cords, plugs that always get tangled . And, of course, binding to one place and outlet.

Placement and equipment

Of course, a desktop computer is more flexible in terms of configuration. A 3D designer can add an excellent monitor to it and reduce constant eye strain. The copywriter has the opportunity to work with a scissor keyboard without hand discomfort. The user can select all components completely painlessly according to his wallet and needs.

As for the space occupied by equipment in the house, everything is clear as day. A large computer will take a lot when placing it. You can sit anywhere with a laptop. Work on the couch? No problem! Movies and recipes in the kitchen? Easily! Cartoons in the nursery? Easily!

Accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi from anywhere in the apartment is a clear advantage of a laptop. Do you like to retire and sit on social networks in a secluded corner? Take home a laptop instead of a heavy system unit.

Pros and cons of desktop PCs

Now, what are the pros and cons of buying a desktop computer?

No reviews

When you're about to spend a serious amount of money on a product, you'll probably want to do a couple of hours of research beforehand to make sure you're getting exactly what you want.

Many desktop computers do not have reviews. We're not talking about all-in-one computers from Dell or HP—we're talking about the setup that your local PC store has put together and is selling in the local newspaper.

Lack of understanding can be off-putting to non-experts.

Harder to buy

The lack of reviews for desktop setups also means they can be harder to buy than a laptop.

For example, if you buy a custom configuration from a local store, you need to trust that store implicitly. Have they tested the car as they claim? Do the internal components match what the store says? Are you getting value for money? The whole process is much more personal.

You can mitigate some of these issues by buying from a chain like Technopoint or ComputerUniverse, but you'll end up paying a significant premium for larger boxes.


And this leads to the next point: cost.

All other things being equal, desktop computers are significantly cheaper than laptops. You'll get a lot more for your dollar.

For a few hundred dollars, you can find a desktop computer that significantly dwarfs what you can get for the same price in the laptop sector.


When you picture a desktop, you probably think of ugly towers, giant monitors, and endless wires.

It doesn't have to be like this. If you want something that looks as good as it performs, versatile machines from leading manufacturers may be for you.

They look like a slightly convex monitor. And, with the exception of the power cord, there is no cable visible.

How to buy a computer?

When assembling a desktop PC, buying an all-in-one PC is not enough. For full operation, it must be equipped with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. This is the minimum set. Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities will also have to be purchased, especially if the system unit is not very expensive.

In addition to your computer, you should buy speakers for high-quality listening to music, and a webcam for communicating on Skype. As a plus for the laptop, I would like to note that it already has all this as standard.

Standard Windows firmware for a desktop computer rarely comes straight from the store; laptops, on the contrary, in 90% of cases are immediately sold with the latest OS update. Whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage is up to you to decide. A beginner will be happy with this content, but an advanced user will remake it in his own way. The question is, is it worth paying more?

So which is better - a laptop or a desktop computer? Conclusions.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Everything here is individual and completely depends on the tasks that you are going to perform on it. If you carefully read my article, you should have already drawn some conclusions for yourself. In any case, it’s up to you to decide, but I’ll try to summarize and give approximate recipes :

Laptop or desktop PC - which is better for your home?

If you use a personal computer as a home multimedia center - for listening to music, surfing the Internet, watching movies - then you should take a closer look at buying a laptop.

It takes up little space, makes less noise, and consumes less energy. You can drag it to the kitchen or another room, put it on your lap, and sit comfortably in a chair.

You can achieve a complete absence of wires - Wi-Fi Internet, a wireless mouse and Bluetooth speakers work wonders

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