Why do you need an air humidifier, what types are there, what are their benefits and harms?

Why do you need a humidifier?

With the onset of cold weather, when the central heating is turned on, the air in the rooms becomes dry, deprived of the necessary moisture. In most Russian regions, the heating season lasts up to six months. Radiators and heaters practically dry out the air in the room. Additional heating in the off-season ensures high moisture loss.

In order not to harm the human body, the air in the room must have certain characteristics.

The required parameters are as follows:

  • normal temperature varies from 19 to 250C;
  • optimal humidity – 40-60%;
  • oxygen saturation level is approximately 26%.

A complete absence of toxic substances, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and household dust is also required. Dry air affects the mucous membranes. The eyes and respiratory tract are affected first. The skin becomes dry. Low humidity is the cause of accelerated skin aging. It becomes denser, dries out and flakes off. The skin loses its protective functions. This causes various skin diseases, and especially pustular lesions.

Low air humidity provokes a decrease in immunity. Drying the mucous membranes increases the permeability of physiological barriers to the penetration of viruses and bacteria. The likelihood of developing acute respiratory diseases increases.

Dry indoor conditions result in the following diseases:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • tracheitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • proliferation of adenoid tissue.

Pathogenic agents multiply more actively on the dried mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. The epithelium loses cilia. It does not evacuate harmful particles from the bronchi and lungs. Bacteria and viruses settle, then accumulate in the bronchi and lung tissue.

But the harm of dry air does not end there. Under these conditions, all allergens constantly fly upward. Fine house dust constantly enters the human body. Irritation of the nasal mucosa, eyes and often exacerbating diseases of the upper respiratory tract provoke the development of bronchial asthma and other pathologies caused by allergic reactions.

A large number of artificial materials are used in our homes. They constantly release toxic substances and pollute the air. These volatile compounds spread easily in dry air and quickly penetrate the blood-brain barrier. They have a toxic effect on nerve cells. They provoke inflammatory reactions of an autoimmune nature.

Dry air causes a deterioration in a person’s general condition and well-being. This provokes nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and increased fatigue. These symptoms appear due to impaired oxygen transport. Under such conditions, its attachment to hemoglobin and delivery to tissues deteriorates. The neurons in the brain are the first to suffer.

Nowadays people are well aware of the dangers of dry air. Humidifiers have become ubiquitous. Almost everyone has it, and has ceased to be something unusual. The device optimizes air humidity, significantly improving the well-being of apartment residents. It prevents serious illnesses in children and adults. These climate control devices, designed to humidify the air, are necessary in any home.

How is a humidifier useful in an apartment?

The decrease in humidity may go unnoticed at first, but this does not mean that it is safe for humans. At least six factors appear that negatively affect living organisms. And a humidifier helps to avoid them.

  1. Dry mucous membranes disappear. They are designed by nature as a protective barrier that traps bacteria and viruses. To perform their functions, the mucous membranes must be moisturized. Otherwise, they will become thinner and even crack. This is especially dangerous for the nose and eyes, which in this condition become an “open gate” for infections.
  2. Eye problems are prevented. The skin around them is very thin, devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands. Therefore, this area requires special care. It easily gives off moisture and becomes thinner. Dehydrated skin of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes under conditions of constant stress from working at the computer, watching TV, etc. easily inflamed. Various conjunctivitis appears.
  3. The amount of flying dust is reduced. Dust particles are very light and can rise upward. In addition, they easily absorb water from air masses, become heavy, and settle on the surface. If there is little moisture, they continue to fly. This provokes asthma attacks or bronchospasms in allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as well as in those who still felt healthy.
  4. The condition of hair, skin, and nails improves. Moisture constantly evaporates from the surface of the hair. Dry air significantly speeds up this process. Replenishing the balance using internal resources does not give the desired result.
  5. Sleep problems are eliminated. Uncomfortable conditions affect the duration and soundness of sleep. Lack of sleep leads to decreased performance and depression. It is best to have a humidifying unit in the bedroom complete with an ionizer. The latter generates negatively charged particles that effectively retain water molecules.
  6. Plants begin to develop better. House flowers stop blooming, the number of new shoots decreases, the emerging leaves are smaller in size, and their tips dry out. Plants get sick and die. The amount of oxygen they produce is significantly reduced, which negatively affects the microclimate of the room.

Instagram @cactus_studio
Now it’s clear why you need a humidifier. Increasing the content of water vapor in the air mixture improves the situation with all the described factors. In addition, the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases is reduced, and the general condition improves.

  • Decoration

    9 plants that will purify the air and improve the microclimate in the house

Types of humidifiers, their pros and cons

Air humidifiers used in everyday life are divided into several categories. All these modern devices are easy to use and do not require special installation. They are able to humidify the air in a closed room around the clock. Modern technologies provide low noise levels. They do not irritate or distract the inhabitants of the home from business. They are based on different operating principles: ultrasound, natural humidification, steam generation.

☑ “Cold” humidifier

In these devices, air passes through a humidifying cartridge. The use of a fan in the design speeds up its circulation. Water is poured into a special tank of the device. From there it goes to a special evaporation element. To operate “Cold” humidifiers, it is advisable to use only demineralized or distilled water. If this rule is not followed, the humidifying unit will become clogged.

It will have to be changed quickly. This type of device is suitable for offices and apartments. They are allowed to be used in children's rooms. They are suitable for aromatherapy. Their advantages are considered to be: economical energy consumption, ease of use, low noise level, safety, affordable price. The disadvantages include the need to refill the cartridge with water that has undergone special preparation.

Steam humidifier

The water in it is heated using two electrodes. When the maximum temperature is reached, it transforms into a vapor state. They are used in winter gardens, greenhouses and greenhouses. They create a favorable microclimate for plants. These devices are used not only for air humidification. They can be used for inhalations.

Their disadvantages include a high level of energy consumption. The device must not be used in areas where children are present. Hot steam jet is dangerous. Possible burns due to close contact. The advantages are considered to be affordable prices, ease of maintenance, and the possibility of use for aromatherapy.

Ultrasonic humidifier

This device is widespread and is considered the most advanced. Its operating principle is based on the transformation of water, which occurs under the influence of high-frequency vibrations. A “steam cloud” is formed. It consists of tiny particles of liquid mixed with air. The damp, cool mist is then released into the room.

The device is filled with demineralized or distilled water. These devices can be used in any type of premises. Their advantages are considered to be small size, low power consumption, safety and high performance, safety. Their disadvantages include their relatively high cost.


The device consists of two autonomous parts - a “cold” humidifier and a purifier. These devices can work alternately or simultaneously. This is a universal device and is used everywhere. It is capable of purifying and humidifying the air in rooms with high levels of gas pollution and dust. It's safe. It can be placed in children's institutions. The device is suitable for aromatherapy application. The disadvantages include its relatively high price.

Each person will be able to choose a device based on the room conditions and their needs.

Air humidifier for apartment

Devices designed to humidify indoor air are multifunctional household devices. They are able to simultaneously purify, heat, cool the air, and not just humidify it. The aroma diffusers built into these devices saturate the room with pleasant aromas. They are quite easy to use. Before purchasing, you should carefully read its characteristics.

When choosing a device, consider the following:

  1. Service area. For an ordinary room, a figure of 30-35 squares is suitable. To humidify the entire apartment, choose devices with an indicator of 70 square meters.
  2. Accommodation. They produce floor-standing and desktop devices. Users often choose the desktop appliances option. They are more compact. They don't take up much space.
  3. Filter. The device is often equipped with a carbon filter. It holds allergens, viruses, bacteria. Mesh devices only trap animal hair and large dust particles. There are electrostatic types of devices. Dust and allergens stick to them. Air humidifiers are available equipped with photocatalytic filters. They contain a catalyst and a UV lamp. They produce powerful oxidizing agents that destroy most harmful particles.
  4. Water consumption. The device consumes up to 600 ml of liquid per hour. The duration of continuous operation of the device depends on this.
  5. Noise level. You should choose a device with a reduced noise level.
  6. Control type. They produce options with electronic or mechanical control. Electronic devices are more expensive, but more convenient for daily use.

When purchasing a humidifier, do not forget about additional functions.


There are devices equipped with air ionizers and flavors. They improve the indoor microclimate and eliminate unpleasant odors. The ozonation function and the presence of a UV emitter help fight microbes, fungi, and viruses.

What types of humidifiers are there?

Based on the humidification method, devices are most often divided into three types - traditional, ultrasonic and steam. There are other types, but we will look at the most common and affordable options.

  • Traditional. In such humidifiers, a fan drives air through a wet filter - a cassette or cartridge. There are types of traditional (or "natural") humidifiers that have a drum inside that rotates in a special reservoir of water and blows moist air out.

Traditional humidifier Xiaomi Smartmi Zhimi Air Humidifier 2

  • Ultrasonic. According to my observations, the most common type of humidifiers. Such devices create fog using ultrasonic vibrations. The mist can be dispersed naturally or with the help of a built-in fan.

Ultrasonic humidifier Electrolux YOGAhealthline EHU-3810D

  • Steam. The most expensive and inconvenient, in my opinion, way to humidify the air. In such devices, water is converted into steam using a heating element (in other words, a boiling process occurs - like in a kettle with water). Unlike the other two types of humidifiers, we receive sterile warm steam at the output (about 40-50 degrees). Some steam humidifiers require you to buy consumables (filters) from time to time.

Steam humidifier Stadler Form Fred

The benefits of a humidifier for the human body

One of the main advantages of using air humidifiers is the prevention of frequent colds, caused by the increased reproduction and accumulation of microbes and viruses in dry air.

In addition, there are also beneficial health properties:

  1. The device prevents drying of the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. This blocks the penetration of pathogens through the protective barriers of allergens and infectious disease agents. Eye diseases and respiratory tract pathologies are prevented.
  2. Air humidification prevents dry skin and premature aging. The skin does not crack and is not affected by pyogenic bacteria. Pustules do not appear on the body and face. Hair does not split and retains its elasticity.
  3. In rooms with sufficient humidity, germs and viruses do not spread so quickly. If there is a person in the house with an airborne disease, using a humidifier will prevent infecting other people
  4. In humidified air, household dust, animal hair and other allergens rise more slowly. Regular use of moisturizers reduces the development of allergic reactions.
  5. Air humidification, combined with regular ventilation, prevents volatile polymer compounds that are toxic to humans from accumulating in the room.
  6. The use of humidifiers improves blood oxygen saturation. The brain and other tissues do not suffer from oxygen starvation. Prevents fatigue and drowsiness.
  7. In well-humidified rooms, the body does not lose moisture. The blood does not thicken. It retains its usual viscosity, getting into the smallest vessels and nourishes the tissues well.

We should not forget that indoor plants grow better in well-humidified rooms and furniture does not dry out.

Why do you need a humidifier?

The device is capable of ensuring the most comfortable stay in the building for residents (employees), pets, maintaining the vital activity of indoor plants and extending the life of furniture.


With low moisture content, people may experience general malaise, dizziness, a feeling of fatigue, dry mouth, and nasal congestion. Humidified air helps fight colds and viral diseases, kill germs, moisturizes mucous membranes and skin.

New addition to the family

A humidifier is simply necessary for use in families with a newborn baby, since he has been in a humid environment for nine months and must adapt to the air dried out by heating radiators.

Cleaning the premises

Often, devices are equipped with an ionization function and are able to clean rooms of dust and dirt particles. The collected debris settles on a special filter, which requires periodic cleaning and replacement.

Caring for pets and plants

The processes of thermoregulation and water metabolism in the body of animals and birds depend on the degree of humidification of the air masses in the building.
For example, in dry conditions, cats and dogs consume too much fluid and are susceptible to various skin diseases. Birds, at the same time, are susceptible to colds, and their feathers may also fall out.

This factor is also important for indoor plants. Despite the fact that plants are intended to improve the microclimate in the room, they themselves need not only moist soil, but also well-humidified air.

Caring for interior items

Items such as books, magazines, stamps, coins should be stored in a room with a normal degree of humidity. The same applies to furniture, which, with a lack of moisture, simply dries out and becomes cracked over time.

Humidifier for children

A healthy indoor climate is important for children. After all, they grow intensively and actively develop. Clean air with optimal oxygen content and importance is the most important condition for the physical and intellectual development of the baby. It is necessary for the formation of neurons in the brain. Without this, the child will not master the necessary skills, will not learn counting, reading, and writing.

The baby’s body is growing rapidly, so the need for oxygen is higher compared to adults. Young children are more sensitive to air humidity levels than others. A child's tissue moisture content is higher than an adult's.

Babies are physiologically more sensitive to dehydration. They suffer more from dry air. A child's metabolism is much more intense than that of an adult. To avoid overheating, it actively cools the body through breathing.

Expert opinion

The humidity in the children's room should be maintained at a level above average. The child requires a comfortable air temperature. If it is lower or higher, the vessels do not supply enough blood to the tissue. The risk of contracting viral and bacterial infections increases. Lack of humidity in the air adversely affects children's immune system.

It is important not to make the wrong choice when buying a humidifier for the nursery. You should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Safety. It is considered the main criterion. The health and safety of the child depends on this. It is better to prefer models without the release of hot steam.
  2. Ease of maintenance. Devices located in the children's room should be washed more often. Devices with a simple design are easy to clean and maintain. They can be disassembled, washed and filters changed more often.
  3. Noisy. This indicator is quite important for children. Often they can only fall asleep in complete silence. For easily excitable babies, it is better to purchase a silent version of the humidifier.
  4. Water disinfection. This function is important to prevent contamination of the water suspension by bacteria. The design of the device allows you to purify the liquid from harmful bacteria.
  5. Quality of materials. Plastic is used in the manufacture of these devices. Some of them have an unpleasant odor. You should select devices made from safe materials.

Buy only a high-quality humidifier. You will raise a healthy child who will get sick less often than his peers.

Types of Humidifiers

There are 3 main types of devices for humidifying air masses in a building:

  • traditional (“cold”);
  • steam;
  • ultrasonic.

Devices of the traditional type are budget ones and are quite widespread. Their operation is based on the principle of “cold” evaporation of water without heating. Water is poured into the tank, which then flows to the evaporation elements. The air flow passing through the cartridge due to the operation of the fan is cleaned of dust particles.


It is better to use filtered water, otherwise the cartridge will quickly become dirty.

Steam devices humidify the air flow through “hot” evaporation of liquid. Their principle of operation is similar to the operation of a kettle and looks like this: an installed heating element heats the liquid, then brings it to a boil and evaporation. If there is no water in the device, it automatically turns off. The steam-type device is equipped with a humidity sensor, which allows you to turn off the product when its limit value is reached.

Ultrasonic humidifiers are the most modern and advanced; they are often installed in children's rooms. The products are safe and silent in their operation. Here, the water collected in the tank enters a vibrating platform with an ultrasonic frequency. The liquid then turns into a cloud of cool mist and is sprayed outside using a fan.

Traditional humidifier

Combination air purifier/humidifier

Ultrasonic humidifier

Steam humidifier

How to use a humidifier

The device should be installed on a flat, dry surface. You need to make sure that its position is stable. Otherwise, it may tip over during operation. If the device is tilted slightly, it will not work properly. Before connecting the device to the power supply, be sure to check the tightness of the housing.


If the device has cracks or the cord is damaged, it should not be used.

Then you should check whether the liquid reservoir is full. If there is a deficiency, you need to top it up and insert a filter. Then you need to close the compartment lid tightly. The green indicator will light up. Only after this can you plug in the device. The green indicator will light up. Press the “start” button to start the device.

If the model allows, then activate the device using the remote control. Select the desired operating mode. You can then select additional options on the LCD display. When operating the device, you need to monitor the liquid level. If it is not enough, the indicator will turn red and the device will turn off itself.

When operating, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • pour liquid into the reservoir of a working device;
  • block the steam outlet;
  • use contaminated water;
  • rearrange the device when it is connected to the network;
  • pour liquid into the device through the steam outlet;
  • add aromatic substances directly to the water, rather than in a special compartment.

IMPORTANT Before starting work, you should carefully read the operating instructions for the device, and only then use it.

The benefits of an air humidifier in an apartment or house

Lack of moisture in the air leads to bad symptoms. Often, we don’t even understand that the problem lies in air humidification. So:

  • Dry mucous membrane. Yes, when you wake up in the morning with red eyes and a dry nose, provided that you went to bed on time, this is the first sign of a lack of air humidity. Mucous membranes are given to us by nature to protect against infections. What happens when they stop “working”? That's right, you start to feel unwell and constantly feel tired.
  • Relief of asthma symptoms. When there is humidity in the air, there is no dust. This is the law of gravitational attraction. For those who suffer from asthma, air humidification is simply necessary.
  • Hair becomes smooth and silky. This is especially true for girls.
  • Deep and healthy sleep is guaranteed to you.

What kind of water should I put in my humidifier?

The quality of water preparation for a humidifier before use is very important, since these water vapors enter directly into the lungs. The operating efficiency and durability of the device during operation also depend on them.

Signs of improper water treatment are as follows:

  • changed color of water;
  • the presence of a white coating on indoor surfaces;
  • lime deposits on heaters;
  • green sediment in the tank;
  • musty smell.

The need for initial preparation depends on the type of humidifier. For a regular steam device, any clean water will do. To prolong the operation of the device, it is necessary to reduce the level of its hardness to prevent the formation of lime deposits. It is advisable to pass it through filters to remove chorus and other impurities.

For cold-type devices and ultrasonic models, special cartridges are used, which must be refilled only with distilled or deeply demineralized water. If this is not done, all objects in the room will become covered with a white coating that is difficult to remove.


What water is required for the humidifier is indicated in the operating instructions for the device.

How to use a humidifier correctly?

Finally, here are a few rules that, if followed, will help increase the service life of the humidifier and the benefits of owning the device.

  • It is recommended to pour clean water into the humidifier, preferably without chlorine or other impurities. Simply put, whatever kind of water you drink, pour it in. For example, from under a cooler or a water purification filter.
  • The mist or steam coming out of a humidifier is heavier than air, so it sinks down. I advise you to place the device on some elevation - for example, a windowsill, dressing table or stool. Place the humidifier away from electrical appliances and outlets, as water particles rising into the air can damage equipment and cause a short circuit.

  • From time to time (at least once every two weeks), the humidifier tank should be rinsed with clean water to prevent dirt from accumulating inside it and mold from forming. If you pour chlorinated water into a container, a white coating will appear on the walls of the tank.

The cleanliness of the tank determines the cleanliness of the air you breathe. Everything inside the device is released through steam or mist.

  • If you leave the house for a long time, empty the tank of water, rinse and dry it thoroughly. Otherwise, mold may form inside.
  • To clean the tank, you can prepare a solution from soap or add citric acid, soda or vinegar to the water. Before use, be sure to rinse the tank with running water so that no traces of cleaning agents remain on its bottom and walls.
  • If you have a steam humidifier, be aware that the nozzles produce hot steam that can cause burns on contact. I do not recommend placing such a device in a children's room or in a house with animals.
  • It is advisable that the steam or mist coming out of the humidifier nozzles be directed upward and not towards furniture or wallpaper. Direct contact with humid air can cause wood or paper to become unusable.

Is it possible to add oils (aroma oils) to a humidifier?

Not all models of such devices are suitable for combining room humidification with air aromatization. This additional function is provided in steam and ultrasonic models. They must have a washing function. They are equipped with a special compartment for placing a capsule with an essential product or a reservoir for aromatic concentrates.

During operation, the device evaporates water into which essential substances are pre-injected, and the air is saturated with a pleasant aroma. This achieves a therapeutic, relaxing and calming effect. If the device is not designed to use essential oils, they will settle on all parts and it will stop working.

IMPORTANT To obtain optimal effect, it should be added at a rate of no more than five drops for every 15 square meters. m of irrigated area. It is necessary to install the humidifier on a surface located higher than one meter from the floor.

Why do you need a humidifier, the benefits of it

Let's see how a humidifier is useful. Dry air, which prevails in hot weather, has a detrimental effect on allergy sufferers and people with problems in the functioning of the respiratory system. Humidifying the air in the apartment for such people can prevent the following symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • desire to cough;
  • constant thirst.

Useful properties of an air humidifier: nur.kz
Is an air humidifier really necessary? What else is it used for? It is used as an aid to asthma and to treat colds. What does this have to do with a humidifier? Why him? I was convinced from my own experience that this is an excellent remedy against bacteria and viruses.

Humidifiers for dry skin

Humid air prevents dry skin and wrinkles.

Unfortunately, if the air in your apartment is dry, using a face cream may not be enough to rehydrate your skin. One way to hydrate your skin is to have an acceptable level of humidity in the air.

Not only the facial skin, but also the scalp can become dry and irritated when there is not enough moisture in the air. Dry air can cause itchy scalp and dandruff. The condition of the hair worsens, it becomes dry and brittle.

An acceptable level of humidity can solve this problem. A humidifier will make your skin and hair look fresh and healthy.

Why install a humidifier in an apartment?

If dry skin occurs, the problem can be eliminated with cream. However, the constant use of cosmetics impairs the functionality of the natural mechanisms of the human body. Manufacturers' desire to save money is accompanied by the use of ingredients that are unsafe for health. Applying a protective layer to the entire surface of the body is a lengthy procedure.

This example clearly explains the difficulties that arise in practice when choosing the wrong technique. A more reasonable decision is to install a modern air humidifier at home. The equipment will saturate the air with life-giving moisture in the required proportions. It maintains an automatically set level. The user will be notified in a timely manner about the need to replenish the tank and perform other service actions.

Well-equipped equipment in this category is equipped with a convenient remote control

Humidifier in a children's room

Dry air can cause health problems for young children. Using a humidifier helps keep the air within acceptable humidity levels.

Humidifier B.Well Kids

The main benefits of using a humidifier for children include:

  • A humidifier protects baby's sensitive skin from excessive dryness;
  • the child will sleep better if the air humidity is within normal limits;
  • If a child has a runny nose or cough, a normal microclimate in the room will help him recover faster.

Correct use of humidifiers

To ensure that the humidifier only brings benefits and not harm during operation, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The device should be located in the center of the room. It can be installed directly on the floor, on a table or chest of drawers.
  2. The appliance should not be installed on a carpet.
  3. Filters must be replaced in a timely manner. It is worth periodically washing parts that come into direct contact with water to avoid the appearance and subsequent spread of bacteria.
  4. The device should be kept out of the reach of children to avoid injury from hot steam. Exceptions include ultrasonic devices, which are not capable of harming a child in this way.
  5. Ventilate the room regularly.

The apartment should be ventilated regularly

What is a humidifier

A humidifier is a device for maintaining the required level of moisture in rooms. The devices are intended for use in apartments, offices, and enterprises.

When deciding what an air humidifier is, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of GOST 30494-201 for the level of humidity in rooms and the requirements for maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the room. Standard indicators differ depending on the selection of household items and the purpose of the space. For humans, the optimal humidity level is 40-75%, which is necessary to maintain the microclimate of plants and seedlings, the air must be saturated with moisture at least 50%.

For the preservation of periodicals and books, antiques, humidity standards vary from 40%, for furniture - from 35%, electrical devices - from 45-65%. In residential premises, the average remains at 50-60%. When using heating appliances in winter and summer with air conditioning systems turned on, the air dries out; a special device will allow you to adjust the microclimate.

How does the device work?

When determining how a humidifier works, it is important to consider the type of design. The units differ in design solutions; They produce steam, traditional, and ultrasonic devices, and multifunctional ones. Water is supplied to the air from various types of humidifiers in accordance with the technical solution.

In a cold-type device, moisture evaporates naturally without heating. Water is placed in a special container, from which the liquid flows into the pan, then onto the evaporation elements. The air is driven by a fan through the cartridge and cleaned. In devices of this type, the power can be adjusted.

In a steam-type device, moisture evaporates through heating. The principle of operation of the device is similar to the functioning of an electric kettle; a special element is responsible for heating and evaporating moisture. Without liquid, the device turns off automatically.

Ultrasonic devices are automated; water is drawn into a tank, then supplied to a vibrating base, from which moisture is sprayed throughout the apartment using a fan. Water for humidifiers requires filtered water.

Where is it used?

Air humidification with a special device is carried out in accordance with various reasons:

  • in rooms equipped with additional heating devices and heat fans;
  • in apartments with improperly organized air flows;
  • in rooms on the sunny side of the apartment;
  • in apartments and industrial premises in hot weather in summer;
  • in children's rooms;
  • in rooms with a humidity level of less than 40%;
  • in arid climates to prevent furniture from drying out, damage to plants, and damage to things.

Devices that, in addition to air humidification, trap microparticles and dust, must be installed in houses adjacent to large highways, warehouses, factories, and in environmentally unfavorable conditions.

Models of devices with ionization and inhalation functions are used as medical devices for purifying the air in the rooms of people suffering from allergic reactions and respiratory diseases.

Air humidifiers in the apartment for the prevention of ARVI

Using humidifiers in your home can help prevent colds and flu.

Air humidifier HQ-603A

Research has shown that humidity levels of 40% or higher reduce influenza virus infection rates by approximately 14%. At humidity levels below 23%, almost 75% of the virus remained infective.

If you've already had the flu or a cold, using a humidifier can help you recover faster. In addition to relieving congestion, it helps moisten the nasopharynx, allowing you to breathe much easier.

A humidifier can also help relieve sore throats and headaches and restore sound sleep.

Is a humidifier harmful for children?

Whether a device is harmful to a child depends solely on the actions of the parents. Speaking about the benefits or harms of a humidifier, Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, notes moderation. It should not be overused to prevent overmoistening. You should also promptly change filters and wash parts that have been in contact with water so that the humidifier does not begin to pollute the air. It is worth reading reviews about the benefits and harms of air washing. You may want to purchase a device that has this function.

The device should be used periodically

If there are small children in the family, you should choose the right model of humidifier. Thus, the Polaris PUH 2204 air humidifier is a steam-type device. Therefore, there is a risk of burns to a small child. If you prefer an ultrasonic model, you don’t have to worry about your baby’s safety.

Polaris PUH 2204 – steam type device

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