What to do if your touch phone fell into water, how to dry it on the battery, in rice? Is it possible and how can I repair a touchscreen mobile phone myself if it falls into water and does not work?

What to do if your phone falls into water - urgent action

If the phone gets very wet or falls into water, the first action is to turn off the power. To do this you need to remove the battery. If the battery is not removable and the phone still responds to touches, you need to turn it off manually.

After disconnecting, you should remove the removable elements of the phone: SIM card and flash drive. On a modern device, you need to use a special paperclip to remove the card. If a protective cover or bumper is installed, this will also need to be removed. After emergency actions have been completed, you can proceed to the drying stage. It is worth noting that complete drying may take several days.

Under no circumstances should you continue to use the product until it is completely dry. If the contacts through which the current passes come into contact with water, oxidation occurs. Oxidation and destruction of contacts does not occur immediately. That is why the device still works for a certain period of time after being removed from the water. The negative impact of liquid can only be reduced by completely cutting off the power.

Step-by-step instruction

Water got inside, what should I do? We provide first aid to a phone that has fallen into the water:

  1. Remove the battery, SIM card, memory card.
  2. Remove everything that can be removed.
  3. Open the phone to remove the motherboard.
  4. Remove the plates covering the elements on the motherboard.
  5. Clean the board with distilled water and then wipe with a dry cloth.
  6. Clean the connectors on the motherboard with a stiff brush, but only gently.
  7. Wait until all the parts are dry.
  8. Collect your smartphone.

There is no one hundred percent guarantee that it is possible to restore the functionality of a phone that has fallen into water. Quick, correct actions will help save the gadget. Electronics are electricity, and electricity and water are not very good connections.


  1. The battery needs to be cleaned. Let it air dry.
  2. If water gets into your phone's speaker, play loud music with low frequencies. This will help push the water out of the speakers. If the sound after drying the phone is hoarse, the speakers need to “clear their throat.”
  3. Some small parts, such as the microphone, may trap liquid droplets. Disassemble and remove liquid with a dry cloth.
  4. If water gets into your smartphone’s camera, you should take it to a service center.
  5. If the phone is filled with sticky liquid, disassemble it, rinse with distilled water, and dry.

Drying methods

There are many drying methods. Some of them are highly effective, while others, on the contrary, can worsen the situation. It is not recommended to use forced drying methods if it is not possible to completely disassemble the product.

First of all, it is recommended to remove all visible drops. For this, improvised means are used. Water has a negative effect not only on electrical circuits, but also on the case and buttons.

Hair dryer or vacuum cleaner

Most experts do not recommend using a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner. After a smartphone falls into water, the liquid penetrates almost all internal parts. If you use a hairdryer, it will simply begin to move drops of water across the board and other structural elements, only making the situation worse. When drying with a hairdryer with a stream of hot air, there is a risk of melting the plastic elements.

A vacuum cleaner has the same negative effect, so its use is also undesirable. It is permissible to use it only if you have managed to completely disassemble the smartphone and need to remove liquid from a hard-to-reach place.

Silica gel or rice

Silica gel is a highly effective absorbent. It actively absorbs various liquids upon contact with it. To dry your phone using silica gel, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare 2 cups of silica gel and a container.
  2. Pour a little absorbent into the container, place the device and fill it completely.
  3. Leave the phone for 24-48 hours.

If it is not possible to use silica gel, then rice can be used as an analogue. It is considered a natural desiccant and is used in the same way. When asked what to do when your smartphone gets wet, many advise using rice as an effective absorbent.

Silica gel filler in the form of granules can be purchased at a hardware store. It is worth noting that rice is an excellent alternative and helps to effectively dry the gadget in a fairly short time.

Paper towel

A paper napkin or towel allows you to thoroughly wipe all parts of the smartphone, ridding them of moisture. Both external and accessible internal parts should be wiped. After getting rid of the drops, you should place the phone to dry in a container with silica gel or on a well-ventilated shelf. If a small amount of moisture gets in, a small napkin will be enough to prevent dangerous consequences.

You can also use a microfiber cloth for wiping. This fabric does not leave lint and perfectly absorbs moisture. If the product is wiped with a paper towel, you will need to be careful so that lint does not get into the holes and crevices.

What not to do with a wet phone

To reduce the negative effect of getting the device wet, you should act strictly according to the algorithm. Among the things that should not be done are:

  • continue to actively use the product after falling into water;
  • put the phone on charge until it dries completely;
  • use a hair dryer for forced drying;
  • dry the gadget in the microwave, oven or in the sun;
  • trying to disassemble a smartphone on your own without having the necessary skills and tools.

Great care should be taken when disconnecting the battery on products with a permanent cover. In this case, you will need a special tool for disassembly (plastic spatulas, small screwdrivers, mediator). After disassembling and drying, all parts and internal components will need to be reassembled in reverse order. It is first recommended to watch training videos on how to disconnect the battery on a specific phone model.

If you follow simple rules, you will be able to significantly increase the likelihood of the smartphone being fully restored, especially if a small amount of liquid has penetrated.

Assembling and turning on

Depending on the scale of the problem, it may take different times for complete drying of structural elements from one and a half to two days to ten. Before assembling and turning on the device, you need to check that all parts are thoroughly dry and there are no oxides. There is no need to rush in this matter. If the moisture has completely disappeared, we return the battery to its place (if we disassembled it in more detail, we reassemble it in the reverse order), turn it on and evaluate the operation of the device. We also insert the SIM card and check its operation. As a result of the check, it will be determined whether normal operation of the phone has been restored; it may be necessary to replace any elements (connectors, batteries, etc.). If the smartphone does not turn on or its operation is disrupted, we go to the service center, where, after diagnosing the device, I will tell you whether it can be restored or not.

Even turning on and functioning of the device does not mean that the parts have not begun to deteriorate. Remaining moisture can lead to a corrosion process, which sooner or later will do its dirty work and damage the device. You can also contact a service center, where the inside of the device will be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. You should not try to hide the fact of the incident; service specialists will still identify the drowned person during diagnostics. Better tell us about it right away.

What to do after drying

It is recommended to dry the gadget for at least a day. If you get very wet, it is recommended to wait about 3 days. It is necessary that even small drops have time to evaporate before the smartphone is turned on again. If it fell into water and stayed in it for a long period of time, then there is a possibility of complete failure.

After drying, you can turn on the phone. Before this, it is not recommended to charge it or perform any other manipulations. If the device has successfully turned on and is functioning normally, then drying is considered completed. It is worth remembering that successful switching on does not guarantee trouble-free operation in the future, since after getting wet, oxidation processes can be started. To protect yourself as much as possible, it is recommended to contact a service center and have your phone diagnosed.

How to fix your phone if it falls into water

If there is no opportunity to contact the service center: it is located far away or it is impossible to get to it for some reason, it is advisable not to waste time, hoping for a miracle, but to immediately begin resuscitation measures.

Disassemble the device

Drying the device will be much more efficient if it can be disassembled into individual components. This will not be difficult to do only if you have the necessary skills and a set of suitable tools: a plastic and metal spatula, a mediator, tweezers, a set of miniature screwdrivers, and a suction cup for the touchscreen. You will also need to have a magnetic mat, an antistatic wrist strap and a pair of gloves.

Wipe all components with alcohol

When all the removable parts are removed from the phone case, you will need to treat the board with ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. The liquid quickly neutralizes the effects of harmful impurities contained in water (for example, salts) and prevents the formation of corrosion. In addition, it effectively absorbs moisture and quickly evaporates it. For processing, use a piece of clean, dry cotton cloth. It is not recommended to use cotton swabs for these purposes, as they leave unnoticeable lint on the surface.

To degrease surfaces, many try to use any liquids at hand. However, alcohol-containing liquids and industrial solvents are aggressive and can damage electronics. If there is no alcohol in the house, it can be replaced with distilled water. It is a dielectric because it consists exclusively of oxygen and hydrogen molecules and does not contain salt ions, which means it is not absolutely harmless.

Dry the components

After processing, all components of the smartphone should be thoroughly dried. This can be done in different ways.

  1. Vacuum cleaner . This option is used most often, since it allows you to pull drops of water out, rather than drive them deep into the apparatus. The main thing in this situation is that the device components do not heat up. To use household appliances, you need to choose the smallest nozzle, with which you try to dry each part for at least 15-20 minutes. In this case, you should try to avoid contact of the nozzle with components to avoid damage.
  2. Household dryer . This device produces a relatively low and, therefore, safe temperature and provides good air circulation, which is important for quick and uniform drying of the phone.
  3. Central heating . This option is suitable for use in extreme cases, and subject to moderate heating of the battery. Drying will be safe if your hand can easily tolerate the temperature of the radiator.

Assemble the phone and check operation

After all the necessary recommendations for restoring a wet phone have been followed, you can begin assembling the device and checking its viability and performance. To do this, you will need to insert a SIM card, SD card, battery (if it is removable), install the back panel, and turn on the phone. It is recommended to do this at home no earlier than after 48 hours. But even if the device works, it must be taken for diagnostics to the nearest workshop or service center. The fact is that even ordinary water contains foreign impurities that actively conduct electric current, which can remain on the surface of the internal components and lead to damage to the device.

Place in rice, screen side up.

Another way to dry a wet phone is to use an absorbent, that is, a substance that draws out and absorbs water. To use this option, you need to prepare a container where the gadget will be placed and select a suitable moisture absorber.

  1. Rice . It is recognized as the most popular and affordable absorbent as it can be found in every home. You need to pour the cereal into a deep bowl (you can take a plastic bag) and immerse the device in it, from which you first remove the lid and battery. It will take 2-3 days for the rice to completely absorb the moisture. To ensure even drying, the machine should be turned over every 12 hours.
  2. Silica gel cat litter . This substance absorbs moisture better than rice, so it should be used when the device is thoroughly wet. To dry the gadget, you will need to place it in silica gel for 48 hours, also turning it over periodically.

Another alternative option is silica gel shoe beads. They draw out moisture within two days, but for this the phone must be completely immersed in absorbent.

Safety regulations

The main safety rule is not to connect a wet smartphone to the network. In addition, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • do not shake your smartphone to get rid of droplets faster;
  • use only proven and safe products for drying;
  • wait the required amount of time before turning on the phone;
  • do not use emergency methods unless necessary.

One of the methods that will help save your smartphone is to use pure alcohol. This option is considered quite dangerous. He has both supporters and opponents. The idea is to re-wet the device in alcohol liquid. The alcohol will absorb the water. The advantage of drying with alcohol is that it is harmless to microcircuits and dries quickly. For the method to work, it is necessary to use the most concentrated solution.


What should you do if your phone falls into water and no longer charges or the battery does not work?

Surely you have noticed that after the phone fell into the water, it stopped charging or sometimes a notification appears that headphones were connected to the phone. This problem usually disappears after drying the phone for a long time.

Of course, we cannot deny the possibility that the connector for charging the phone has become unusable. But before you contact a smartphone repair service center, it is best for you to thoroughly dry your smartphone and try to charge it again.

Figure 1. If after a long and thorough drying of the phone it does not charge, then the problem may only be in the USB cable or charging connector.

Why doesn't the screen or sensor of a phone that fell into water turn on?

After dropping your phone into water, the touch screen may not respond to your touch for a long time. The reason is that the sensor has many layers, and liquid got into one of them. In this case, you need to place the smartphone in a glove or wrap it in a scarf, and then place it on the battery. If the problem is not resolved within 2 weeks, then your only option is to contact the service center.

The phone fell into the water and the speaker does not work: what to do?

The most common problem with phones that have survived a fall into water. Here it is important to take into account how long you dried your phone. If the speaker works, but when you turn on the audio recording you feel some distortion, then rest assured, it will pass.

But it also happens when the speaker does not work at all. The only thing we can advise in this situation is to contact a service center.

What to do if the phone does not turn on

Very often, for most phones, getting wet becomes the cause of fatal breakdowns. If your Honor smartphone does not turn on after falling into water, you must contact an official service center. It will be able to carry out diagnostics and repairs. It is worth noting that getting into water is not a warranty case for Huawei and most other manufacturers, so you will need to pay for repairs.

If the board, processor and other important elements become very wet, repair may be impossible. In this case, it is recommended to extract all important data and then replace the phone. This method is especially relevant if an inexpensive device has fallen into the water. Even successfully completed repairs do not guarantee stable and long-term operation in the future.

Restoring a sunken phone

But it's not always so easy. Let’s say you dropped your iPhone into water, but you can’t easily get out the battery without disassembling the device. In this case, if you cannot contact a service center as soon as possible, I advise you to put the iPhone in rice (just don’t laugh, but it really helps! the most ordinary food rice, at first I didn’t believe it, but after people brought drowned iPhones dried in rice during repair actually showed that the effects of moisture were minimal). The photo shows the board of a recessed iPhone 4, which was placed in rice and then brought to the service center. The board was perfectly clean, the only thing oxidized was the touch screen connector (marked with a red circle). The red diamond shows an indicator that liquid has entered the iPhone.

And now I want to answer the most common question: “How much will it cost to repair a recessed phone?” If the phone does not turn on after liquid gets inside, then I will answer honestly: “I don’t know.” In this case, it is impossible to do without diagnosing the malfunction, since water could damage any element, and therefore the phone must be disassembled and tested to identify the malfunction.

Next, we’ll look at several options for repairing phones that have gotten water or other liquid inside.

The most harmless case is when the phone is dropped into water, it continues to work, but there are water stains on the screen. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal, but it looks unpleasant, especially against a light background. The only way out of this situation is to replace the display on your phone. Even after the water has dried, traces of it still remain, and it is impossible to remove them from the old screen, since the display contains several layers of film that diffuse the backlight, and it is unrealistic to disassemble them without damaging them.

The worst case is when water that gets into the phone oxidizes the radio elements and disables them. The degree of oxidation depends on the time the phone was in the water, on the amount of liquid that got inside, on whether the battery was immediately pulled out of the submerged phone or after some time. If you do not immediately take action after liquid gets into your phone, then it will end up with approximately the same thing as the phone in the photo. The elements oxidize, the salts corrode the phone parts, and the recessed phone becomes unusable for repair.

The last picture shows the board of a phone that fell into the water and the battery was not immediately removed from it. The phone worked for a while, then turned off and never came back on. Yes, it won’t turn on anymore, the phone cannot be repaired, since many of the radio elements inside have simply rotted. In this case, it is necessary to completely change the circuit board on the phone, which is usually comparable in cost to the price of a used phone of the same model.

Therefore, to avoid this and extend the life of your phone after liquid gets into it, immediately take the measures that I wrote about at the beginning of the article.

Or call us, we will be happy to answer all your questions.

Under what circumstances does wetness most often occur?

Most often, the device gets wet under the following circumstances:

  • if you fall into a river, sea or lake while swimming;
  • when washing, remaining in the pocket of your pants or shirt;
  • when exposed to rain;
  • when taking a bath;
  • during active recreation.

If you lead an active lifestyle, it is recommended to use a special protective cover when swimming and traveling. This will prevent water from entering the housing. Also, many manufacturers (Huawei, Samsung, Apple, Sony) offer waterproof smartphones that can be immersed in fresh water without consequences. Such devices can be dropped into the bathtub and washed under a direct stream of liquid. In addition, they can be used to dive to shallow depths.

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