What are the differences between a depilator and an epilator?

Differences between epilation and depilation

Many people think that the difference between hair removal and depilation is only in pronunciation. This is wrong. The procedures are carried out with different devices and devices. Epilation is done using equipment that removes not only the surface part of the hair, but also destroys its subcutaneous structure - the follicle (bulb). This gives a long lasting effect. In cosmetology, hair removal is carried out using several methods:

  • electric hair removal, when the follicle is “burned” by a small electrical discharge;
  • photoepilation with intense flashes of light affects the hair root;
  • Laser hair removal uses a laser beam as a working tool.

Many people cannot afford hair removal equipment. It is more convenient and cheaper to go to a salon for hair removal.

Epilation involves the destruction of the hair follicle

Depilation involves removing only the superficial part of the hair. Many ladies carry it out on their own, at home. No matter how the procedure is carried out (and options are possible: mechanical, electric depilatory and chemical), the result will not last long, from several days to several weeks. Despite the short-term effect, depilation is the choice of the majority. It can be done as often as necessary (there are no side effects or contraindications like hair removal), it can be done at home, on your own, and hair removal costs orders of magnitude cheaper.

What is better to choose

What is better: epilator or depilator? For each person, the best option will be the one that suits him best, taking into account all the pros and cons.

Many people don’t ask these questions and don’t bother themselves. They simply use the machine periodically and are satisfied with the result.

Other female representatives, on the contrary, see the mission of beauty as getting rid of annoying hair in unwanted places forever, or at least for a long time. They spare no expense or effort. Therefore, the newest methods of these procedures are being tested.

Undoubtedly, everyone will have their own superior option, however, when choosing, everyone generally starts from the basic criteria.

  • Price. Not everyone can choose effective hair removal procedures in a salon or purchase a similar device for home use.
  • Duration of the procedure. Not everyone has the patience to devote a couple of months to achieve the effect. Sometimes you just need to get rid of hair immediately.
  • Pain aspect. Not everyone is ready to endure the pain that some of the procedures cause, even despite the unsurpassed effect.

Types of depilatory devices

Today you can find a fairly wide range of depilatory devices on the market:

  • Shaver;
  • chemical creams;
  • electrical devices.


The oldest tool here is considered to be a razor. Modern technical improvements of this device make it possible to significantly simplify the depilation process - devices with three and even five heads are produced for this purpose. There are also varieties - trimmers and stylers, powered by batteries or mains (women use them to work with the bikini area). Mobile and compact, they become a frequent travel companion.

However, users note that after using these tools, hair grows back quickly and only becomes stiffer. Another disadvantage is that after a razor the amount of hair growth only increases.

Depilatory cream

Special creams for removing unwanted hair became widespread in the early nineties. They also remove only the surface layer. But at the same time, their special formula allows hair to grow after the procedure much slower than when using a razor. In fact, such creams only dissolve the visible part of the hair.

Electrical appliances

Electrical devices affect hair mechanically. The brands Braun, Philips and Rowenta have achieved great success in this matter. Such devices are mistakenly called epilators, because their effect on the hair is temporary, they do not eliminate the problem forever.

Devices of this type can be disk, spring or tweezer. The latest model is the most refined and effective.

Comparison of epilators and depilators

Depilatories act on hair mechanically. They can be disc, spring or tweezer. They are mistakenly called epilators in everyday life; they do not destroy the hair follicle.

Advantages of depilators:

  • effect up to 5-6 weeks;
  • subsequent hairs become lighter and thinner;
  • low price per procedure;
  • Suitable for different hair and skin types.

The main disadvantage is pain during the procedure . This is especially true for delicate areas of the skin. Also, over time after the procedure, ingrown hairs appear. Another disadvantage is frequent irritation and the occurrence of allergic reactions .

Laser epilators are very effective. The results are noticeable after several sessions. And after a full course of an average of 7-10 sessions, more than 80% of the hair is gone forever. The second important advantage is minimal pain and absence of discomfort during the procedures. The non-contact effect of the device does not injure the skin. After use, no ingrown hairs, bruises, irritation appear, and there are no risks of infection.

Disadvantages of laser epilator:

  • high price;
  • ineffective against gray, blond, red hair;
  • not for use on tanned and dark skin;
  • During the first sessions, it is not always possible to use the device correctly - due to inexperience, scars often remain;
  • has a number of contraindications.

Which procedure includes sugaring: epilation or depilation?

Sugaring refers to depilation, despite the fact that during the procedure the hairs are removed from the roots. Many salon visitors (and hairdressers) think that this is hair removal. No, if the hair follicle (the sac in which the hair root was) remains in place, the hair will grow back. Sugaring mechanically pulls out the hair, sometimes damaging the follicle. But in most cases the latter remain in place. The hairs in these places often grow thin, underdeveloped (not as hard and lighter). Therefore, the general impression is that sugaring is almost as effective as hair removal.

Sugaring also does not completely remove the hair follicle, therefore it is classified as depilation.

Sugaring in its effect turns out to be something between depilation and hair removal. The follicles are damaged, and full-fledged hard hairs no longer grow. During depilation, on the contrary, only the upper part is removed, and at this time the follicles receive more nutrition and are strengthened. New hairs grow even faster, darker and thicker. Sugaring is often called sugar hair removal.

This procedure gives, in a general sense, a temporary effect, but quite long-term (a new procedure will be required no earlier than in 2-3 weeks).

The same can be said about waxing. Today it is less popular than hair removal with sugar paste. However, these procedures are similar in essence. In both cases, the effect on the hair will be similar, and the frequency of procedures will be the same.

Methods and devices for hair removal

Many girls resort to more expensive hair removal procedures to get rid of hair for a long time. However, it should be understood that a one-time procedure is not enough to achieve this goal - you need to complete a whole course. The most common hair removal methods are:

  1. Laser. It is based on the effect of laser radiation on hair follicles and the vessels from which they are nourished. After a course of treatments, the hair falls out on its own.
  2. Photoepilation. The procedure is based on the destruction of the bulb with a light flash. However, for this it is necessary to carry out it during the active stage of hair growth. It will not have any effect on light or gray hair.
  3. Elos. In this method, light exposure is combined with radio waves. To achieve the desired effect, at least ten procedures are necessary. It is the most painless hair removal.
  4. Thermolysis. According to this method, the follicle and hair shaft are destroyed by electric current. The procedure is not the most pleasant and requires additional pain relief.
  5. Galvanic electrolysis. The hair follicle is destroyed by a chemical reaction, during which an electric current continuously passes through the saline solution.
  6. Blend method. It is a combination of galvanic electrolysis and thermolysis, which makes it one of the most effective, but also painful methods. It also requires a course of procedures.

Hair removal options

Depilator and epilator - what is the difference? Perhaps this is best illustrated by hair removal procedures, which are characterized by complete removal of the hair along with its follicle. The following types are distinguished here:

  • photo;
  • laser;
  • elos;
  • thermolysis;
  • galvanic electrolysis;
  • blend method.

They differ from each other in the method of influence and the technical features of the device.

  1. Photoepilation is hair removal using a light pulse from krypton lamps. The energy of their heat waves is absorbed by melanin, which kills the hair. This method is more effective for dark hair, but for gray hair it shows zero results.

  2. Laser hair removal is the treatment of hair with a laser. The procedure will give absolutely smooth skin, but this result is achieved only after attending sessions for many months. Neodymium laser is recommended for all skin and hair types. Unlike photo hair removal, laser hair removal is effective on all types of hair.

  3. Elos hair removal is a shock combined dose of radio waves and light energy. A specially selected wavelength destroys the follicle. The technique does not cause discomfort and is safe. For total relief you will have to take at least ten courses.

  4. Thermolysis is the killing of hair follicles using electric current. The device has an electrode inserted into the follicle - it destroys the root along with the stem. The method is considered very uncomfortable - you have to additionally numb the surface of the skin.
  5. Galvanic electrolysis refers to the decomposition of follicles through a chemical reaction. Achieved by continuously passing current through a saline solution.
  6. The blend method combines thermolysis and chemical exposure.

Types of hair removal

In addition to the epilator device, “epilation” also refers to other methods of combating unwanted vegetation.


The procedure is safe and causes minimal discomfort.
The method of influencing the hair follicle is with a special light device. The light pulse produced by krypton lamps is absorbed by melanin, causing the hair to “fall off”. A correctly carried out procedure gives an excellent result - hair will not grow for about 5 weeks.

The effect is noticeable immediately after the first session. The procedure is safe and causes minimal discomfort.

It’s just expensive and requires several courses. At the same time, after such treatment, the use of alcohol-containing cosmetics is prohibited.

Laser hair removal

This is a method of treating hair using a laser. The procedure is painless and performed quickly. Laser beams, affecting the skin, destroy the follicles and the vessels that feed them. To achieve truly smooth skin, you will have to visit the beauty salon several times.

The laser hair removal method has many contraindications. For example, the method is not suitable if the patient has diabetes, many moles, skin allergies, and so on.


Another name for this method is electrolysis. It is expensive, but it allows you to permanently remove hair from the body, while being painless.

How it works: a device is taken that transmits small electrical impulses, the needles of which are inserted into the follicle, and it is subsequently destroyed by the current charge. The root of the hair dies as a result of the formation of salts.

Now it’s clearer how a depilator differs from an epilator. These are two different hair removal tools. When choosing the appropriate method, take into account your skin and hair type. Depilation, unlike epilation, gives a short-term effect, but is less painful. Before use, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist and trichologist.

What to choose: hair removal or depilation

Those who use depilation are satisfied with the results of the procedure and recommend it to others. Hair is shaved well, painlessly and quickly. If we talk about sugaring and waxing, the skin immediately after the procedure is smooth, without inflammation. In addition, sugar paste has a scrubbing effect, removing the stratum corneum of the skin. Another plus: this procedure is inexpensive and can be done independently. A serious drawback is the short-term effect. Just a few days, and the procedure must be repeated. This is not everywhere and not always convenient.

Epilation is effective. In a course of procedures you can get rid of excess hair almost completely and almost forever. Those hairs that “survive” will become sparse, thin and light. In addition to the most obvious drawback - the price of equipment for home hair removal and salon procedures is considerable, there is also a large list of contraindications, the painfulness of the treatment itself.

In the end, it's hard to say which is better. It all depends on the situation, hair and skin type, financial capabilities and a whole list of factors.

  1. Skin type and its features. For those with thin, sensitive skin, it is better not to use razors and tweezers. For them, the best option for depilation is chemical exposure with special creams. Ladies with thick skin without damage, not prone to rashes and tolerant of pain can afford hair removal.
  2. Pain threshold. Hair removal is not suitable for girls who are intolerant to pain. In this case, it is better to use a razor or creams.
  3. Hair color. If the hairs are light, almost transparent, depilatory cream is more than enough. Dark hair will have to be removed using more radical methods.
  4. Financial aspect. If you calculate the cost of all procedures in the long term, then depilation will not benefit much from hair removal. You need to use creams or razors often, but a salon procedure is enough to do once every few months. In an annual financial context, the cost will be almost the same, and the purchase of a home epilator will quickly pay off.
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