Rating of TOP 7 best air fryers 2021 – 2021! Which one to choose, reviews, prices

Why does our body love junk food so much? French fries and chicken fried in an incredible amount of oil, various fast foods... Such dishes make your mouth water, and at these moments few people remember about a healthy lifestyle.

However, there are manufacturers who have thought about our health for us by creating such amazing kitchen appliances as the air fryer.

But there's a catch. And it’s in the name of the new device. Why is the kitchen appliance called “air fryer” derived simultaneously from two words - air fryer and deep fryer? How are they different? Let's find out in our article.

Air fryer with door

Air fryer, air fryer and deep fryer - who's who?

The characteristics of an air fryer are similar to a deep fryer and an air fryer. Hence the similarity in the name. The principle of frying food in oil is taken from the deep fryer, but the main difference between the two devices is its quantity. If a huge amount of oil is poured into the deep fryer bowl in liters, then for an air fryer you only need a little bit - a tablespoon.

Speaking about the air fryer (which is a type of convection oven): the air fryer completely borrowed its operating principle - heating the product using an air flow. The main difference between an air fryer and an air fryer is the speed of cooking. This is where the air fryer wins. At the same time, it is important that, for example, French fries in an air fryer turn out not baked, but crispy, like from a deep fryer - and this is precisely what is valued by children and adults. The air fryer is also inferior to the small size of the bowl made of glass. As a result, the new device may well replace the deep fryer and air fryer, while creating healthy food.

Based on the comparisons described above, we can list the main advantages and disadvantages of the air fryer.

Caso air fryer with pull-out tray

What is the difference between an air fryer and an air fryer?

An air grill is a convection oven with an affordable price tag and compact dimensions. Structurally, the unit consists of the following elements:

  • a spacious glass saucepan;
  • a special heavy lid that hermetically seals the working container;
  • heating element;
  • fan

When turned on, the heating element of the air fryer heats the air to the desired temperature up to 260 °C, after which the hot streams are evenly distributed throughout the internal chamber of the device. Products placed inside the pan are evenly fried on all sides and at the same time retain maximum taste and benefits.

The volume of the air fryer bowl is usually 7-16 l

A good air fryer in the kitchen can replace not only the oven and microwave, but also a steamer, yogurt maker, bread maker and dehydrator for vegetables and fruits. Products can be placed directly into the pan, or they can be placed inside the appliance in glass or ceramic containers. Due to this, the air fryer allows you not only to fry, but also to boil, stew, bake and heat a variety of dishes. The spacious bowl allows you to sterilize glass jars, and setting a low temperature helps to quickly defrost semi-finished products from the refrigerator.

Attention! In a suburban area, you can use a convection oven as a replacement for a stove.

As for the air fryer, the device has minimal differences in design and purpose. The unit consists of the following parts:

  • housings with control elements;
  • retractable tray;
  • mesh bowl for food;
  • built-in heating element.

The difference between an air fryer and an air fryer is its narrower capabilities. The device is intended primarily for frying foods that, according to classic recipes, need to be cooked in hot oil.

Chopped potatoes, vegetables, meat or fish are loaded into a mesh bowl and the latter is placed in the tray, and then the device is closed and the temperature is manually set. An air fryer uses hot air to fry food until crispy. Very little vegetable oil is added to the ingredients - usually no more than a tablespoon. In taste and appearance, products prepared in the device are practically no different from those that were fried in classic deep fat.

The air fryer supports temperature settings between 60-240 °C

An air fryer is great for making crispy chicken wings and fries first. In addition, the device allows you to fry cutlets and steaks, meatballs and small kebabs. Many models are equipped not only with grids, but also with grill grates, skewers, and a baking tray. In the latter case, you can even cook cookies and pies in an air fryer.

Advantages of an air fryer

  • Cooking food with a minimum amount of oil - you get tasty and at the same time healthy dishes without carcinogens. This leads to another advantage of kitchen appliances.
  • Saving on oil. After all, to make crispy fried food in an air fryer, you only need a tablespoon of oil. This results in time savings, since there is no need to heat a huge volume of deep fat. Cooking food itself begins immediately after starting the program.
  • Cook food quickly with advanced heating technology.
  • The device is simple and easy to use. Most household appliances have similar control principles. All buttons are labeled; if you have questions, the instructions from the manufacturer can help.
  • It can be easily disassembled into its component parts and washed with water. Unlike air fryers, an air fryer comes apart into components that can be placed in the dishwasher without exception.
  • More expensive models have special filters to capture cooking odors. Considering that classic deep fryers are associated with smoke from boiling oil and the bright “aroma” of fried foods, air fryers with a filter almost completely absorb odors .
  • Air fryers with a bowl are very compact , which allows the housewife to easily find a place for it in the kitchen. This is especially valuable in small kitchens. However, models with a door cannot boast of this - having a larger volume, such equipment is larger in weight and size.
  • Some models with a door can cook two dishes at the same time . There are also models with the ability to install 3-4 pallets.
  • Due to the presence of a rotation function in an air fryer with a door, more uniform heat treatment of products . The finished dish will not only be healthy, but also as tasty as possible. Unfortunately, air fryers with a pull-out tray do not have this feature. However, it cannot be said that the dishes turn out much worse.
  • The transparent door allows you to see the food while it is cooking. Full control of the process is an additional bonus of the air fryer.
  • Depending on the configuration, you can get a huge variety of dishes . The manufacturer additionally produces baking trays, grill grates, frying baskets, skewers for kebabs of meat, fish, vegetables, etc. This mainly applies to air fryers with a door.

Rawmid air fryer

Advantages and disadvantages for home use

Air fryers are mostly made from plastic or metal. The first one weighs less, and the second one is more reliable. The metal body is resistant to damage, durable and can withstand heavy loads.

Plastic models are more suitable for home use. Metal ones are purchased for frequent and regular cooking. When choosing an air fryer, it is important to pay attention to the presence of thermal insulation of the body.

Among the advantages of the device:

  1. Small sizes. An air fryer can be easily placed in a kitchen of any size. It is compact and convenient to use, easy to care for.
  2. Cooking delicious fast food that is not harmful to health due to a small amount of oil (1 tbsp is enough).
  3. Teflon coating of the bowl.
  4. Variety of home menu. An air fryer makes it easy to whip up dinner.
  5. Save time. The device allows you to cook two dishes at the same time.

But, like any technology, the air fryer also has disadvantages:

  1. Small food capacity. The device is designed for a maximum of two people, and not for a large family or company. You can load about 1 kg of food at a time.
  2. Poor lineup due to the lack of popularity of the device. Not all manufacturers produce it.
  3. Cost of equipment. Price range - from 2.5 to 20 thousand rubles.

Using an air fryer at home is very simple:

  1. Plug in the device and insert the basket into the device.
  2. Brush the basket with oil and place the food in it.
  3. Set the time on the timer and the required cooking temperature. At this moment, an element at the top of the device is turned on, which heats the air in the device to +80...+200°C. Thanks to the convector, air circulates inside the device, frying food evenly.
  4. When the dish is cooked, remove the basket from the appliance.
  5. If you plan to prepare the next batch, wait until the appliance has cooled down.

Disadvantages of an air fryer

  • High cost of equipment. Since air fryers were created relatively recently and are not produced by all manufacturers, prices for these kitchen aids are still relatively high .
  • Air fryers with a pull-out tray have a small bowl volume - from 2 to 4 liters. About 2 kg of food will be prepared at one time. This is not enough for a large company, but for a small family of 2-3 people it is quite enough.
  • To start the air fryer with a slide-out tray to cook a second portion of food, you need to wait until the bowl has cooled . Therefore, when preparing a dish for a large number of guests, it will take a lot of time.
  • Most air fryers with a bowl are not transparent , so there is no way to see the food being cooked. To look inside, you need to pull out the tray.
  • Some manufacturers include primitive instructions with their product without a detailed description of the operation of the device. In this case, it is difficult to independently understand the proposed programs and the cooking time of a particular mode.

Variety of dishes prepared in the air fryer

Air fryer - pros and cons

In order to accurately understand whether this unit is needed or not, it is worth getting acquainted with its positive and negative sides. The key factors influencing the willingness to purchase an air fryer are the harms and benefits of its operation. Pros of the device:

  • healthy, nutritious food due to the absence of oil;
  • The dishes are tasty and varied;
  • heats up and cooks quickly;
  • The device is convenient to use and easy to clean;
  • compact, takes up little space in the kitchen;
  • ability to replace other household appliances.

Cons of an air fryer:

  • the small volume of the bowl does not allow you to cook a lot of food at one time;
  • high price.

Which is better, an air fryer or an air fryer?

Both units will prepare delicious French fries. However, I want the dish to also be healthy. With an air fryer, the choice between pleasure and health is clear. Both devices are similar in appearance (body structure and internal configuration), their main functions are also the same. However, there are still differences and these include the following characteristics of the air fryer:

  1. The products are prepared without oil, the food is dietary.
  2. There are several cooking modes, which helps to get a variety of dishes (boiled, fried, grilled, baked goods).
  3. Some models are equipped with additional accessories (skewers, trays, frying pan, roasting pan).
  4. There are air fryers with stirring; thanks to the presence of a rotation function, the products are mixed automatically during cooking.

What is the difference between an air fryer and an air fryer?

Both devices deserve to take pride of place in the kitchen. These devices have become bestsellers due to their unique functionality. They are a type of convection oven and work on a similar principle. Hot air from the convector circulates inside the device due to the fan. An air fryer is the predecessor of an air fryer, but differs from it in some parameters. In order to understand whether it is better to choose an air fryer or an air fryer, you need to find out their advantages over each other and understand which functions are more important to you.

The differences between the air fryer are as follows:

  • spaciousness that allows you to cook more than two dishes at the same time;
  • equipped with a timer;
  • presence of self-cleaning function;
  • the ability to sterilize jars;
  • implementation of the process of smoking meat and fish.

How does an air fryer work?

For many housewives, it is important to know the operating principle of kitchen appliances. For different reasons. Therefore, we will also touch on this issue, but in general terms.

Once the food is placed in the containers, placed inside the air fryer, the timer and cooking temperature are set, the magic begins. Thanks to the internal heating element located in the upper part of the chamber and the convector, hot air flows are formed, which are carefully and evenly distributed inside the device. As a result, the product is first dried, then the food is cooked using the convection method - the food is evenly blown with hot air from all sides.

How does an air fryer work?

Air fryer - what is it?

A modern, unique device for cooking is an air fryer, which is a modernized version of a conventional deep fryer, in which food is processed not through a large amount of oil, but using a stream of hot air. There are models both for home use and for street fast food sales. The standard equipment of the device is as follows:

  • housing made of plastic or stainless steel;
  • food tray;
  • a heating element;
  • fan.

How does an air fryer work?

Products placed in the bowl of this device are thermally treated with a stream of hot air, which circulates evenly under the influence of a fan. Thanks to its versatility, the unit not only prepares French fries, but also:

Food is prepared without oil, but if desired, you can pour it over the food; the excess will drain into a special tray. The finished dish turns out appetizing and tasty, while it is dietary and will not harm even a child. Considering all the positive aspects of this electrical appliance, the conclusion suggests itself that if there is an air fryer oven in the house, other household appliances for cooking become unnecessary.

What can you cook in an air fryer?

In this device you can create any culinary masterpieces from French fries to all kinds of desserts. A short list of what to cook in an air fryer from available, popular products is as follows:

  • French fries or baked;
  • dishes from all types of vegetables;
  • meat steaks, cutlets, meatballs;
  • fish in batter, fried, grilled;
  • fried or baked mushrooms;
  • baked goods (muffins, buns, pies, casseroles).

Tips for using an air fryer

Customer reviews are a very valuable thing. By collecting positive and negative information from people, as well as advice from manufacturers, we get:

  1. To prevent the product from sticking to the grill of the appliance, grease it with sunflower oil before placing food.
  2. Before purchasing an air fryer made of combined metal and plastic material, pay attention to the presence of thermal insulation of the body. Getting burned while using a kitchen appliance will be a very unpleasant fact.
  3. Before using household appliances, manufacturers recommend warming them up in advance - 1-3 minutes will be enough. In this respect, air fryers are similar to ovens. However, this is only a recommendation, not a mandatory rule.
  4. The manufacturer does not recommend placing more food than is provided in the bowl. An extra pile of vegetables or meat will result in uneven cooking. As a result, it will not be the “bad device” that will be to blame, but the housewife who overdid it with the amount of products.

Air fryer from Tefal with measuring spoon included

Rating of quality air fryers 2021

The basis is taken from customer sympathies, personal experience in using household appliances, and the popularity of models. The main indicators, positive and negative aspects of the air fryer are described, and how much the device costs is indicated. This information will help you choose a product consciously.

Kitfort KT – 1621


Power 1800 W; Volume 3 l; Cover on bracket; Mechanical control; Timer; Temperature adjustment.


  • used as an oven and grill, frying pan and pizza maker;
  • excellent appearance;
  • ease of operation;
  • multifunctional.


  • the ingredients are not laid out in two layers.

Average price – 6,890 rubles.

Magnit RAF-1001


Power 1300 W; Capacity 800 g; Housing plastic; Mechanical control; Timer; Filter; Cooking temperature from 80° to 190°.


  • overheating protection;
  • non-stick coating of removable bowl.


  • lack of an oil drain system;
  • no removable bowl;
  • no viewing window.

Average price – 4,320 rubles.

GFgril GFA – 3500


Power 1500 W; Volume 3.2 l; Housing plastic; Electronic control; Timer; Heating regulator; Filter; Removable bowl.


  • compactness;
  • not noisy;
  • easy to clean.


  • persistent industrial smell.

Average price – 7,698 rubles.

Philips HD 9240


Power 2100 W; Capacity 1.2 kg; Housing: plastic, stainless steel; Electronic control; Includes: container for preparing products, measuring spoon.


  • speed of preparation;
  • containers are easy to remove and wash;
  • compactness of the model;
  • replaces the oven;
  • the ability to simultaneously cook various dishes when installing a separator in the bowl.


  • small mesh volume for filling products;
  • slow food production.

Average price – 19,000 rubles.

Kromax AF-120


Power 1500 W; Capacity 1 kg; Volume 2.35 l; Housing plastic; Electronic control; Timer; Filter; Equipment: Removable bowl.


  • compact;
  • The rack is dishwasher safe.


  • failed recipes on the lid;
  • experiments with toasting temperature.

The average price is 10,390 rubles.

Irit IR-060


Power 1450 W; Capacity 1.5 kg; Volume 8 l; Housing plastic; Electronic control; Timer; View window; Includes stirring spatula, tongs, and grids.



  • multifunctionality;
  • There is a transparent cover on the bracket.


  • no filter;
  • not suitable for draining oil.

Average price – 6190 rub.

TefalActiFry 2 in 1


Power 1500 W; Capacity 1.5 kg; Housing plastic; Electronic control; Timer; Transparent cover; 2 frying pans 1500-2000 g and 500 g.


  • simultaneous preparation of two dishes;
  • automation of the frying process;
  • prepares meat dishes and desserts.


  • heating of the housing at the top.

The average price is RUB 14,990.

Hilton FR 3701


Power 1200 W; Capacity 1000 g; Volume 3 l; Housing plastic; Electronic control; Display; View window; Removable container with non-stick wear-resistant layer.


  • multifunctionality;
  • ease of operation;
  • lid opening sensor;
  • removable handle to prevent overheating.


  • not identified.

Average price: 2023 rub.

Philips HD 9235


Power 1425 W; Capacity 800 g; Volume 3 l; Housing plastic; Electronic control; Timer; Filter; Includes skewers and lower grill.


  • easy to use;
  • Suitable for preparing a variety of dishes.


  • inconvenient to care for;
  • small bowl capacity;
  • heating during operation.

Average price - 29,990 rubles.

How to choose an air fryer?

Before purchasing any kitchen appliances, you should study its characteristics, types, as well as customer reviews. There are many types of air fryers. Let us note the most significant parameters.

  1. Pay attention to the case material , which will directly determine its price. Manufacturers make air fryers from plastic, stainless steel, or a combination of both materials. A plastic air fryer is lighter but not durable. Therefore, it is recommended for housewives who do not plan to use it frequently. With a metal device, the opposite is true: its strength will allow it to serve for a long time, even taking into account daily work. The price will be higher accordingly.
  2. Air fryers vary in capacity . Here, start from how much of the final product you need to get. Manufacturers create bowls with a volume of 2 to 4 liters, in models with a door - up to 12 liters, so you can choose the equipment of the required volume for your family and depending on your goals.
  3. The temperature range is also different for different models. Most often, the temperature is set between 60 and 240 degrees. At the same time, low values ​​are created for drying, drying (vegetables, fruits, fish, meat), while high values ​​are used mainly for making baked goods.
  4. The shape of the bowl is also different: round and square. If round air fryers win in terms of compactness, then square ones win in terms of capacity.
  5. The power of the devices varies from 800 to 2000 W. Most air fryer models have a power of about 1400 W, which is enough to cook most dishes.
  6. The device control can be electronic or mechanical. In the first case there is a touch screen, in the second there are only mechanical toggle switches and buttons. At the same time, the type of control will affect the price of the device - air fryers with touch controls cost more. Mechanical ones are less likely to fail and are not so demanding on voltage drops in the outlet.
  7. The kitchen appliance turns off after the timer . The time range is from 30 to 60 minutes. Some models automatically turn off after the time has elapsed, while others beep while continuing to cook.
  8. An air fryer with a door has many additional features compared to appliances with a pull-out tray. For example, grill, rotation function, baking, skewers, popcorn basket, etc.
  9. Some models have functions for defrosting and heating food , which is a pleasant bonus for many housewives.
  10. Air fryers differ in the type of heating element . Inexpensive models most often have a halogen heating element made of glass and containing halogen gas. Another type of heating is stainless steel, heating element, which has a number of advantages over halogen ones. These are fast heating rate, strength and durability.

Air fryer comparison

The comparative characteristics of air fryers are summarized in the table below. Models described for example:

  • Tefal FZ707267 ActiFry - air fryer with bowl,

    Air fryer Tefal FZ707267 ActiFry

  • Zigmund & Shtain ZAF-900 - air fryer with bowl,

    Air fryer Zigmund & Shtain ZAF-900

  • Rawmid Modern RMA-02 - air fryer with a door.

    Air fryer Rawmid Modern RMA-02

CharacteristicTorgmash UKM-PKitchen machine Bosch MUM5XW40Kitchen machine Redmond RKM-M4020Kitchen machine Polaris PKM 1104
Manufacturer countryRussiaSloveniaChinaChina
Number of speeds2786
Warranty, months12121224
Power consumption, kW1,512,51,1
Main functionsMeat grinder Whipping/Stirring Bread and spice grinder Vegetable slicer Sifter Wiping RipperMeat grinder Citrus press Blender Grater ShredderMeat grinder Kneading dough Whipping Grater/slicer Blender Pasta machineMeat grinder Beating Mixing Dough kneading Blender
Weight, kg1558,77.54.6
Bowl volume, l253.955
Bowl materialMetalMetalMetalMetal
price, rub. (as of July 2021) from 165,000from 32 000from 37 000from 15 000

Air fryer 5 in 1| What is the new RAWMID Modern RMA-02 capable of? REVIEW. Video

Best Premium Air Fryers

The high price of these deep fryers is justified by excellent build quality and maximum functionality. The equipment is made from high-quality parts and is characterized by reliability and durability.

Caso AF 400



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The Caso air fryer has a power of 2050 W, which makes it possible to quickly cook up to 1 kg of French fries and other dishes.

It allows you to adjust the heating temperature from 60 to 80 degrees, which means it is suitable not only for frying and baking, but also for drying or drying foods.

Touch control, timer up to 60 minutes, indication of power on, readiness for work, time - all this makes the device convenient to use. The thermally insulated body prevents burns and damage to the countertop. And overheating protection extends the operating life of the device itself.


  • Spacious basket;
  • Wide temperature range;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • Timer up to 1 hour;
  • Removable cover.


  • Short cord (0.7 m).

Model AF 400 from Caso is a universal appliance suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

Philips HD9240 Avance Collection



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

A functional air fryer with a 3-liter bowl and a power of 2100 W can easily cope with any culinary task.

It has the option of preheating the bowl, suitable for baking, grilling and frying without oil, as well as for defrosting food. Ease of use provides the ability to stir food during cooking.

The air fryer allows you to adjust the temperature and save settings for different recipes. The necessary information is shown on the display. There is a 60-minute timer and an automatic shut-off function after the cooking process is completed.


  • High power;
  • Preheating;
  • Stirring without stopping cooking;
  • Saving recipes in memory;
  • Auto power off.


  • No delayed start;
  • The fan rotation speed is not adjustable.

The powerful HD9240 air fryer from Philips impresses with its functionality and stylish design.

Air fryer reviews

Reviews from air fryer buyers are divided into 2 camps. While the first group notes the high quality of the resulting dishes, the speed of their preparation, and the absence of the need to monitor the cooking process, others are frankly not satisfied with the operation of the device. Despite the high cost of these household appliances, the programs of some models freeze. There are also manufacturers who did not bother to include instructions for the air fryer(?!?!), which discouraged housewives. In the Internet era, this issue is resolved quite quickly, but a description of the programs of a specific model (their detailed purpose, for which dishes each of them is used and the cooking time of the product) is not always easy to find.

Air fryer - cooking without oil Having collected numerous reviews about air fryers of a few models, we can conclude: not every housewife is ready to find a place for a new, not yet cheap, assistant. The undeniable advantage of the device is the final healthy product without excess fat (harmless French fries - that’s cool!). Caring for the health of the family is the main priority of every housewife, but you can also do without an air fryer. Therefore, this kitchen appliance should not be strongly recommended; the potential buyer must independently decide whether to purchase it or not. After all, for some, for example, a coffee maker or toaster is a necessary thing, while others are used to frying bread in a frying pan, preferring to have a spacious kitchen.

Air fryer Zigmund & Shtain ZAF-900

Photo: https://market.yandex.ru

Despite the large capacity of 2.6 liters, the ZAF-900 air fryer has compact dimensions. This was achieved thanks to the ergonomic design of the case. It is made of high-strength plastic and has reliable thermal protection. Thanks to a power of 1300 W, the device is able to quickly prepare a dish of any complexity. The air fryer has electronic control and is equipped with a touch LED display, which displays all the information on the selected operating mode. The cooking temperature is adjustable within 80-200 degrees. The presence of a 60-minute timer with automatic shut-off makes the device practical and safe to use.

Air fryer Zigmund & Shtain ZAF-900


  • capacity
  • 60 min timer
  • thermal protection of the case
  • touchscreen
  • non-stick coating


  • no cord storage compartment

What types of air fryers are there?

Basket type

There is a basket where you can place the food you need to cook. The basket has holes in the bottom which makes it easier to drain the oil from the food and also makes it easier for the hot air to circulate. This is a good thing with a lot of heat circulation, but will not do you any good if you want to cook food that has a little sauce or a little liquid.

With holes in the basket, this may require you to wash or scrub this part of the air fryer to remove any stuck food and oil that may be inside the holes. Most basket style fryers have a large capacity and are best suited for large families.

Some basket-style fryers on the market preset the temperature during cooking. In addition, you can cook dishes that have a little sauce in them, since it will not leak to the bottom of the equipment. You can still enjoy delicious food after every preparation.

Blade type

to stir the food inside from time to time because there is a spatula that can help move the food around. You can also remove the spatula while cooking if that's easier for you.

The paddle type fryer also has its limitations as the paddle can sometimes get in the way, for example when you are cooking a large piece of meat here, this may not be the best type of fryer to use.

Countertop convection oven

Because these ovens use convection to cook food, they are somewhat similar to air fryers. Most of these convection ovens have built-in fryer controls and operate just like most air fryers.

The advantage of a convection oven is that it is a larger cooking equipment compared to standard fryers, so you can make a variety of dishes, even food that has sauce.

The convection oven also cooks quickly with multiple frying and cooking options with a glass window that makes it easy to see what's inside. The downside may be the external component of this equipment sometimes gets too hot, and if there are children in your home, make sure they are not within a short distance of the convection oven while you are cooking.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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