Replacing the refrigerator start relay

Refrigerators of the Stinol brand are reliable European-level equipment with excellent characteristics. Users noted such distinctive features of these household appliances as high-quality assembly, reliability, durability and affordable prices. But even with careful operation, various malfunctions occur with the Stinol refrigerator over time. In this review, we will look at the difficulties that owners of different models of these kitchen units face.

The principle of operation of the refrigerator

All refrigeration equipment operates on a similar principle, performing two main tasks: concentrating cold in the inside of the device and removing the generated thermal energy outside. In modern equipment, freon is most often used, a popular type of refrigerant.

Freon includes fluorine, chlorine and ethane. This refrigerant has a unique quality: it changes from a liquid to a gaseous state when the pressure within the system fluctuates. The cooling procedure is as follows.

  1. The compressor draws the refrigerant inside.
  2. The piston pushes it through the tubes.
  3. During the heat transfer process, the refrigerant begins to condense.
  4. Freon becomes liquid.
  5. Moisture is absorbed by the sorbent, turning into gas.
  6. Next, the refrigerant enters the capillary tube.
  7. The pressure drops along with the temperature of the gas.
  8. Passing through the evaporator, freon changes its properties.
  9. The refrigerant in a gaseous state again enters the compressor.

On sale you can find models with two compressors - one for the main chamber, the other for the freezer. On the one hand, the efficiency and quality of cooling increases noticeably, but on the other, maintenance and repair of equipment becomes more complicated. The refrigerator can also be equipped with a drip system or NoFrost technology.

Compression models are the most common solutions on the refrigeration market. Here, the movement of freon is organized by changing pressure. But there are other types of refrigeration systems:

  • adsorption;
  • steam ejector;
  • thermoelectric.

Adsorption technology uses ammonia as a refrigerant. The obvious disadvantages of such devices are problematic maintenance and unsafe substances. Systems of this type were used in old equipment that has already been discontinued.

In steam ejector refrigerators, water runs through the tubes, and the ejector plays the role of a pump. The system is stable, safe and environmentally friendly, but consumes a lot of electricity and liquid to raise the temperature.

Thermoelectric models operate on the principle of the Peltier effect: heat absorption through two conductors and current. The system is reliable, durable, but very expensive, as is its maintenance.

Replacing the start relay of the refrigerator Stinol. Stinol refrigerator malfunctions and their elimination

The freezer compartment of the Stinol refrigerator is made of polystyrene. The space between the compartments is filled with polyurethane foam for thermal insulation. The capillary pipeline is used as a throttling device, which makes the refrigerator sensitive to changes in humidity and air pollution.

All Stinol refrigerators are divided into evaporative and compressor types. They work as follows: the device uses a substance called refrigerant for cooling - this is a liquid that evaporates at room temperature.

The operation process of the refrigerator is as follows: freon (refrigerant) vapor is constantly supplied to the radiator, which is located at the back of the refrigerator. The freon then condenses in the radiator, where it releases heat, after which it enters the capillary tube, from where the freon is injected into the evaporator, and then the process is repeated again.

A refrigerator can have either one or two compressors, depending on the model. The compressor is a steel coil, which is fixed with metal plates. The presence of several compressors allows you to separately configure the operation of each compartment of the refrigerator.

Refrigerators have two types of evaporators:

  1. static, located on shelves;
  2. “NoFrost” system, which is located in a special compartment.

An important element for stable operation of the refrigerator is the electrical system. It consists of the following elements:

  1. thermostat, needed to maintain a given temperature level;
  2. thermal protection;
  3. electric motor;
  4. start relay.

This system has the following operating principle:

  • When voltage is applied, the current moves from the thermostat to the forced defrosting button, then to the thermal protection, then to the starting relay and from it to the motor winding. The current supplied to it produces a voltage higher than required, this is because the start relay only trips and closes its contacts at that voltage level.
  • After this, the relay transfers current to the starting winding, and the engine begins to rotate. The motor runs and the refrigerator starts to freeze. When the temperature reaches the set level, the thermostat turns on. It opens the contacts, stopping the flow of current to the compressor, causing it to stop. Operation resumes as soon as the temperature reaches the required level.
  • In case the motor overheats, there is a thermal protection relay. When the temperature becomes too high, a special part on the relay - a bimetallic plate - bends and opens the contacts, so that the cooled element then comes back and closes the contacts again.

The principle of operation of the refrigerator

All refrigeration equipment operates on a similar principle, performing two main tasks: concentrating cold in the inside of the device and removing the generated thermal energy outside. In modern equipment, freon is most often used, a popular type of refrigerant.

Freon includes fluorine, chlorine and ethane. This refrigerant has a unique quality: it changes from a liquid to a gaseous state when the pressure within the system fluctuates. The cooling procedure is as follows.

  1. The compressor draws the refrigerant inside.
  2. The piston pushes it through the tubes.
  3. During the heat transfer process, the refrigerant begins to condense.
  4. Freon becomes liquid.
  5. Moisture is absorbed by the sorbent, turning into gas.
  6. Next, the refrigerant enters the capillary tube.
  7. The pressure drops along with the temperature of the gas.
  8. Passing through the evaporator, freon changes its properties.
  9. The refrigerant in a gaseous state again enters the compressor.

On sale you can find models with two compressors - one for the main chamber, the other for the freezer. On the one hand, the efficiency and quality of cooling increases noticeably, but on the other, maintenance and repair of equipment becomes more complicated. The refrigerator can also be equipped with a drip system or NoFrost technology.

Compression models are the most common solutions on the refrigeration market. Here, the movement of freon is organized by changing pressure. But there are other types of refrigeration systems:

  • adsorption;
  • steam ejector;
  • thermoelectric.

Adsorption technology uses ammonia as a refrigerant. The obvious disadvantages of such devices are problematic maintenance and unsafe substances. Systems of this type were used in old equipment that has already been discontinued.

In steam ejector refrigerators, water runs through the tubes, and the ejector plays the role of a pump. The system is stable, safe and environmentally friendly, but consumes a lot of electricity and liquid to raise the temperature.

Compressor electrical system design

The main element of the refrigerator is the engine. It is necessary to organize the circulation of the refrigerant, and in our case, freon, through the pipes. In addition to the unit itself, the system contains the following elements:

  • start relay;
  • thermostat responsible for a specific temperature level;
  • protective relay to prevent engine overheating.

The engine includes a rotor and starter. The design of the latter consists of several copper coils. Whereas the rotor is more like a regular steel shaft working in tandem with the engine's piston system.

When the unit is turned on, electromagnetic induction is formed in the coils, which serves as a source of torque. Next, the rotor begins to rotate due to centrifugal force, and at the same time the piston moves.

In modern models, the engine is located inside the compressor, which minimizes the likelihood of spontaneous refrigerant leakage. The system in its original form is subject to strong vibration. To reduce it, a special metal suspension on springs is provided.

On new models, the latter are fixed inside the case, while on old ones - outside. The first option is more practical and allows you to dampen vibration noticeably more effectively. But in the event of a suspension failure, organizing repairs is much more difficult.

Refrigerator compressor Stinol

The motor will operate until the required temperature is established in the chambers, after which the thermostat is connected. It opens the contacts and current stops flowing to the motor. The compressor also stops working. When the temperature rises, the thermostat contacts will close again and the cycle will continue.

In models of the mid-price and budget categories, the thermostat quite often fails. The element does not have the most complex design and costs a penny, so it is much more practical not to repair it, but to buy a new one.

Refrigerator device

⑴No interior lighting

⑵ Noisy operation (knocking, humming, rattling)

⑶ Water leakage

⑷ Freezing of the “fur coat” in the freezer compartment

⑸ Insufficient or excessive cooling of the refrigerator compartment

⑹ No cooling when compressor is running/not running

⑺ The refrigerator turns off a few seconds after starting

Lack of lighting indicates the following:

  • No contact between plug and socket
  • Lamp burned out
  • Broken light button

If the first two situations can be easily corrected on your own, then repairing a button is definitely the job of a master.

Noise in the operation of the refrigerator may be due to the following reasons:

  • Incorrect installation of the refrigerator
  • Compressor suspension damage

The first point is easy to deal with. Make sure that the refrigerator does not come into contact with furniture, pipes, etc. Also check whether the body is positioned correctly - for proper operation of the refrigerator you need a slight slope back.

We check: the doors should close on their own if they are opened to 45⁰. You may also need to carefully adjust the position of the compressor tube or place porous rubber between the casing and frame.

The suspension must be dealt with by a specialist. Both repair and replacement of the motor-compressor, if necessary, are subject to only experienced hands.

Leaking water in the lower tier of the refrigerator indicates a clogged tube for draining melt water. Options for its cleaning are provided for each model individually.

The procedure is not complicated, but delicate. Therefore, ALT-Repair experts recommend that you take charge of emptying the refrigerator of food and entrust the cleaning procedures to them.

A layer of frozen moisture (“coat”) on the walls of the freezer can form due to:

  • Door leaking
  • Temperature controller malfunctions

The door is easy. Either the problem is that the unit is not tilted back as required, or the rubber seal has failed. That is, we tighten the legs to the required level or call a specialist with spare parts for replacement. But with the regulator it’s a little more complicated. It rarely needs to be repaired, so it's probably time to replace it too.

If under- or overcooling of the refrigeration compartment occurs, we immediately seek technical assistance.

There is nothing about this symptom that you can identify and fix on your own:

  • Thermostat failure
  • Pipe rupture
  • Clogged capillary tube
  • Refrigerant leak from the system
  • Frosted evaporator

If there is no cooling while the light inside is on and the compressor is running, you need to check the refrigerator for freon leaks. The cause is usually mechanical damage to the system - piping, condenser and evaporator. If there is no damage and/or there are breakdowns of the compressor valves, the refrigeration unit needs to be replaced.

If there is no cold and the compressor does not turn on, your technician will have to deal with the following probabilities:

  • Problems in the electrical circuit
  • Thermostat malfunction
  • Start protection relay failure
  • Compressor failure

A quick shutdown of the refrigerator indicates problems with the compressor or start-up relay. The motor-compressor most often “suffers” from interturn short circuits and winding breakage.

As a result, when starting, the motor overheats and the protective relay is activated, turning it off. Repairing the part is usually ineffective, so most likely the motor-compressor will need to be replaced.

In addition to all of the above, there are a lot of refrigerator malfunctions that you may not notice for quite a long time. Timely maintenance can prevent many troubles in the operation of your equipment. Do not neglect proper care of your refrigerator by entrusting it to reliable ALM-Repair specialists.

Once you have determined the cause of the problem, you can begin to eliminate it. Consider the most common options.

Depending on the specific model, the thermostat can be located both inside the refrigerator and outside. With an internal location, it is enough to remove the temperature control knob and remove the thermostat housing.

In refrigerators from Samsung, LG and other foreign brands, you can also check the thermostat under the panel for decreasing and increasing the cooling temperature. But it is located on the outside of the chamber. To determine functionality you will need:

  • Disconnect from the network;
  • Defrost completely;
  • Turn on the refrigerator for maximum freezing, placing a thermometer inside and wait a couple of hours; if the device does not show 5 - 7 ° C, then replacement is inevitable.

To repair a refrigerator, you just need to purchase a spare part and install a new one to replace the faulty part.

Leaks can be detected using several methods:

  1. Soapy solution - available in case of a slight leak and the presence of liquid refrigerant pressure in the system. This provides access to all tubes - the protective housing cover is removed and the evaporator is defrosted. Where the gas escapes, the soap solution will foam.
  2. Dye - used where the pressure in the circuit does not allow the use of a soap solution. A dye is added to liquid freon and released into the system, after which a characteristic color appears at the leak site.

Before pumping new gas from the system, the residues are first removed by a vacuum pump; if blockages are detected, additional cleaning is carried out. After which refueling is carried out. Experts recommend performing this procedure without leakage every 3 to 5 years.

If the normal operation of the temperature fuse is disrupted, the refrigerator may shut down prematurely, which poses a risk of engine overheating. To repair, you will need to remove the relay and disassemble its body; if the reason is a jammed rod, you can solve the issue yourself; if the winding is damaged, you will have to change the entire part.

In this case, for repair it is necessary:

  • Unplug the refrigerator;
  • Tilt the compressor and run the compressor for a couple of minutes;
  • The piercing valve is attached to the filter drier, connect the cylinder to the valve and tighten the piercing valve and open it for half a minute;
  • Instead of a filling tube, solder a copper tube;
  • Make a cut on the capillary tube;
  • Remove the old compressor and install plugs in the suction and discharge outlets;
  • Install the new compressor and solder it, carefully inspect the quality of the soldering.

Compressor repair
Compressor noise can be caused by a loose fit of metal elements or, conversely, excessive proximity of certain elements, which causes collision and rattling.

For repairs, it is necessary to secure the casing tightly; in case of loose fasteners, use washers for a tight fit and tightening.

Figure 4. Adjusting the compressor mount (shown by arrows)
In case of approaching other elements, it is necessary to adjust the device itself in the opposite direction or carefully bend the tubes if it is impossible to move the compressor.

Read more: Why the refrigerator stopped working: reasons and what to do

To avoid electrical injury, unplug the refrigerator. Then open the door and check the condition of the lighting device, for example, in Indesit refrigerators, the light bulb can get very hot, so you should wait until it cools down completely.

To do this, it is not necessary to use the same lamp, but you can find an alternative replacement, but according to the type: incandescent or halogen. The lamp power should not exceed 30 W. But before replacing, it is worth checking the voltage in the socket, because the reason may not be in the lamp at all.

This part is designed to regulate the speed of operation of the compressor unit. If they fail, the refrigerator will not be able to maintain the desired temperature. Quite often such a malfunction occurs in Nord refrigerators; they contain several such elements at once.

But you won’t be able to disassemble and repair them yourself at home, so after removing the sensor, it will need to be completely replaced.

There are two options for placing the tube - outside the body and under it. In the first case, cleaning is quite simple: remove the tube and rinse it in hot water, loosening any accumulated clogs if possible.

If it is impossible to remove the tube, you should try to clean it with the brush included in the kit. If it fails, metal wire, previously sanded, is used for repairs. After cleaning the tube, it must be rinsed with water.

Repair of drainage tube

To adjust the position, you need to get to the fastening point, for example, in LG refrigerators you will need to remove the protective strip; in other models, the bolts may be in the public domain. After unscrewing, remove the door, place washers in the required nodes and install the door in place. If any, assemble the decorative structures in the reverse order.

It is characterized by complete silence of the refrigerator, despite the fact that the power circuit is fully operational. The control board is one of the most complex devices and one of the most expensive. Replacing it at a service center will cost three times as much, so it’s better to do the repairs yourself. For this:

  1. Unplug it from the outlet and unfold it; in Stinol refrigerators and many other brands the board is located in the lower left side.

    This is how the control board is removed

  2. Unscrew the fastening screws A and remove the clamp B;
  3. After this, you can see the board itself in the case; carefully disconnect terminals C.

Control board
Most often, capacitors deteriorate due to constant voltage surges, so to prevent such repairs in the future, it is better to connect the refrigerator through a stabilizer. The installation location may differ from company to company, so first you will have to study the refrigerator diagram.

Evaporator defect

It manifests itself in weak freezing, the appearance of a snow coat or rapid spoilage of food. Occurs due to damage or destruction of the walls of the evaporator, both from natural processes and from exposure to sharp objects.

In addition to replacing the condenser and evaporator at home, you can install an additional one so as not to risk breaking the seal of the freezer. In addition, you can try to repair the existing evaporator if this seems appropriate to you. In any of the repair options, the refrigerant is drained from the cooling system, and during replacement the evaporator sensor is turned off so as not to damage it during operation.

Refrigeration unit diagnostics

To find out the possible cause of the problem, it is necessary to carefully examine the unit for the working condition of the elements:

  • check the main components for corrosion of parts, deformation, mechanical damage to components, damage to protective coatings;
  • examine the device for tightness, fastening strength of parts and automation devices;
  • check 3 functional parameters of the device: temperature in the freezer and near the back wall of the cabinet, power consumption.

Frequent problems with Stinol refrigerators

The entire model line of refrigeration units is distinguished by reliability, functionality and high build quality. However, they, like kitchen appliances from other brands, are not immune to various breakdowns. Let's look at typical faults typical for the Stinol line.

Cabinet breakdowns

If the cabinet is faulty, a thin layer of frost will accumulate on the static evaporator. As a result, a significant amount of liquid accumulates in the condensate container.

Defects in this state of the refrigerator are explained by a violation of the seal of the chamber due to:

  • rupture or loose seal;
  • deformation of the refrigeration unit structure;
  • the presence of gaps between the rubber door seals and the surfaces of the freezer.

Possible problems with the sealing rubber can be repaired using a hair dryer with a power of 1-1.5 kW. To do this, you need to heat the rubber seal in the contact area with a hot jet. Then stretch it so that the shape of the part changes. After manipulation, the door must be closed. The refrigerator can be used after the seal has cooled down. If the protective layer is torn, it should be replaced.

Poor seal seal

Malfunctions of electrical circuit and automation elements

Very frequent breakdowns occur with automation devices and electrical circuit components. These include:

  • faulty starting or thermal relay;
  • breakdown of the compressor, fan and other components;
  • reducing the insulation resistance of the electrical circuit;
  • malfunction of the thermal fuse or defrost heater in equipment with the No Frost system;
  • defect of freezer, timer;
  • breakdown of the evaporator pan heater;
  • clogging of the drainage system with small particles.

Troubleshooting automation in a Stinol refrigerator consists of identifying the defective element, repairing it, and if it is impossible to repair the breakdown, replacing the part with a new spare part.

Problems with refrigerant

If the volume of refrigerant is too high when filling the device, then the temperature in the freezer remains less than -180C, the refrigerator compartment is cold, and the return pipe becomes covered with condensate or a layer of frost. To normalize the operating process of the device, after a two-hour run-in, the dose of freon is adjusted.

In the event that the filling dosage, on the contrary, is underestimated, the refrigerator is warm and the temperature is reduced by more than -250C. In this case, frost may partially form on the rear wall. Just as in the previous case, it is necessary to dose the lack of refrigerant to normal.

If a refrigerant leak occurs, oily spots appear in these places. The solution to this problem is to fill the unit with refrigerant or replace the assembly component with a new part.

Warning! Freon vapor is a poisonous gas, so it is taken from the refrigerator into special cold receivers. After any work with refrigerant, the room is ventilated for at least 15 minutes.

Signs of problems with the refrigerator and possible malfunctions

There are several typical breakdowns of Stinol units, which manifest themselves according to certain signs. In the table we look at the main problems with refrigerators of this brand and how they manifest themselves:

SignPossible defect
The device does not turn onfaulty electrical plug or power cord;
breakage of compressor windings;

The thermostat or start-protection relay does not function;

open circuit of the thermal fuse;

timer jamming in defrosting mode;

contact failure occurred in the electrical circuit connection due to oxidation

After a short period of operation the unit switches offbreak in the starting winding of the electric motor;
The bimetallic plate of the protective relay or the starting relay coil do not function
The device freezes slightlyThe temperature regulator does not work;
the rubber seal has lost its elasticity and shape;

the compressor has reduced performance;

the capillary pipeline or filter-dryer is clogged;

the integrity of the electrical circuits is compromised

The refrigerator is too coldthe fast freeze button is stuck;
The thermostat knob is not adjusted
The freezer freezes, but the second chamber does notthere is a refrigerant (freon) leak;
the system has depressurized
It's warm inside the freezer (refrigerator without NoFrost system)The motor-compressor for the freezer broke down
Moisture collects at the bottom of the deviceviolation of the tube position;
clogging of the outlet tube with small particles
It’s warm inside the freezer (appliances with the No Frost system)NoFrost automatic defrosting system defect

Let's look at the most common faults of some models

  1. Two-chamber refrigeration appliance Stinol 102. The device has two compressors with a unique NoFrost freezer defrosting system. The front panel is equipped with two thermostats. A special feature of the model is the circulation of air between the freezer and the evaporator fins due to the electric fan. Frequent equipment breakdowns include a malfunction of the thermal relay (in the TN1 or TN2 circuit). To verify that the part is faulty, you need to remove the wires from contacts numbered 3, 4 and connect them with a jumper. If after the manipulation the compressor starts, there is a breakdown in the relay. It may be that the equipment does not cool when the compressor is running and the condenser is cold. In this case, there may be a freon leak.

  2. Stinol 103. A typical problem with refrigeration units of this model is the failure of the temperature controller. This is due to the technical characteristics of thermoelements, which are designed for a five-year service life. Due to this defect, the temperature in two chambers may be elevated, as a result of which the unit will behave unstably. Over time, the connections of the electrical circuit may be damaged due to oxidation or burning of contacts, various breaks and other breakdowns. If the starting or thermal relay fails, the compressor does not turn on.
  3. Stinol 110 is the most common model. The refrigerators consist of a spacious refrigerator compartment and a small freezer, which is equipped with the NoFrost system. Typical breakdowns of this unit are no different from those of the 102nd model. The thermostat T1 and timer TIM-0 may be faulty.

Typical malfunctions of TWO STINOL compressor refrigerators WITH KNOW FROST SYSTEM.

What to do if the Stinol refrigerator breaks down?
Do not rush to call specialists, because many faults can be eliminated yourself, because they are caused by our carelessness or violation of operating conditions. The most common signs of failure of Stinol two-chamber refrigerators include:

  • The refrigerator does not turn on.
  • The compressor is constantly running.
  • The refrigerator doesn't freeze well.
  • The light does not come on or there are problems with the indication of light bulbs on the control panel.
  • Problems with the No Frost system in the freezer.
  • Water flows in three-chamber and two-chamber refrigerators with a “crying wall” system.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of certain malfunctions, so let's look at each option in more detail.

To eliminate malfunctions that occur in refrigeration units, it is necessary to have a minimum understanding of the most common breakdowns. Since independent repair is simply impossible without an adequate response to the problem that has arisen, study in detail the reasons why certain situations arise.

It may be caused by mechanical damage to the housing, destruction of the thermal insulation layer and, as a result, a violation of the temperature regime. In this case, condensation forms at the site of damage, which flows down the refrigerator. To fix the problem, it is necessary to restore the thermal insulation layer and patch the hole.

If, when opening the door, you witness a frozen layer of frost and frozen food, then this situation could arise if:

  • The cooling level is set too high and needs adjustment;
  • Malfunctions with the temperature sensor, compressor unit, etc.;
  • The door seal does not fit tightly, which could be due to loss of elasticity;
  • The thermostat has failed and needs to be replaced;
  • The door does not close completely because the cooling chamber is overcrowded.

To check the tightness of the doors at the factory, they use a special metal probe, which at home can be replaced with a strip of paper. At the point where the paper penetrates under the magnetic strip, air is sucked in from outside, which causes ice deposition and more intensive cooling.

This problem may occur due to:

  • Malfunction of the thermostat or setting the cooling mode to minimum;
  • Failure of settings of complex electronic control units in modern models;
  • Random start of defrosting, which requires completely defrosting the refrigerator and turning it on again;
  • Sudden loading of two-chamber refrigerators with large volumes of food that it does not have time to cool;
  • A refrigerant leak, in which case you urgently need to find the location of the damage and repair it;
  • Compressor motor malfunction or clogging of the entire cooling system.

If such a problem occurs, check the electrical circuit for continuity. In this case, the following possible causes of failure:

  • Household appliances are not plugged into the socket, there is insufficient voltage in the network or the socket is faulty;
  • It is necessary to check the circuit of the plug and cord for integrity;
  • Relay or electric motor failure.

Modern refrigerators Atlant, Samsung and others may not turn on due to malfunctions in the control unit. It is quite difficult to detect such problems at home.

In normal mode, you hear active work for 10 - 20 minutes. Then it should turn off until the next cycle. Otherwise, rapid wear of the rotating elements occurs. The cause of the problem may be:

  • A door that is not tightly closed or hot air from the surrounding area, due to which the required temperature level is not achieved in these household appliances;
  • The device operates in ultra-strong freezing mode, but such operation cannot continue longer than regulated by the factory instructions;
  • The thermal electronic sensor has failed;
  • Freon is leaking from the cooling system.

For correct operation of the unit, its installation should be carried out using a building level and on a solid base. If these requirements have not been met and the refrigerator wobbles, then extraneous noise will occur during operation.

If installed securely, sound can come from the compressor casing, touching the rear wall of the tube, contacts of the protective relay, or the evaporator fan. To eliminate such situations, it is necessary to adjust the operation of the corresponding elements.

If the light bulbs in the refrigerator do not light up, it means that both the lighting fixtures themselves and the alarm button about the state of opening/closing the doors may have failed.

A separate reason may be the lack of power from the electrical network. Therefore, before you begin repairing a refrigerator, you must make sure that voltage is supplied to the device.

Such an incident may show up as a puddle under the refrigerator or as an accumulation of water inside the chamber. In most cases, it is caused by the following reasons:

  • A temporary power outage that you did not notice;
  • Someone placed hot or not sufficiently cooled food in the chamber;
  • Clogged drain or tubes in a system with a crying evaporator;
  • Doors that are not tightly closed;
  • Unsuitable environmental conditions (ventilation of the room is required, bringing the standards to the requirements of the plant).

The above list of faults is relevant for situations where the device maintains its cooling temperature. If it does not freeze, the reason is due to other factors.

In addition to natural factors in the form of products with a specific odor, spoiled dishes and unwashed walls of the refrigerator compartment, an unpleasant odor can arise due to burning of plastic, electrical contacts, insulation, etc. If in the first case it is enough to be vigilant, then in the second there is a real threat of major breakdown or even fire.

Indicates that one of three failures has occurred:

  • The thermostat is faulty;
  • Problems starting the compressor;
  • Freon leak.

Whatever the reason, repairs should not be delayed.

Malfunctions of the Stinol refrigerator and their elimination bring additional troubles and visits to the service center for the owners. Unfortunately, even such durable and high-quality equipment is also not immune to breakdowns. If you notice interruptions in operation or unusual sounds, conduct your own initial diagnostics of the unit.

Refrigerator Stinol

First, check the equipment for operability of the elements:

  1. inspect for possible rust, deformation and damage to protective coatings;
  2. examine the unit for tightness and strong fastening of parts;
  3. Measure the temperature of the freezer, the back wall and the calculated power.

Violation of the permissible values ​​of these parameters indicates a breakdown of your Stinol.

Cabinet fault

You can tell if there is a problem with the cabinet by a thin layer of frost on the static evaporator. You will notice a large percentage of liquid collecting in the condensate container. This condition is explained by a violation of the tightness of the refrigerating chamber due to:

  1. loose seal or rupture;
  2. deformation of the structure;
  3. gaps between the seal and the surface of the freezer.

Refrigerator breakdown

You can fix this problem yourself using a regular hair dryer. Heat the rubber seal with hot air and stretch it so that the shape of the part changes. After that, close the door and wait 10 minutes. Wait for the seal to cool completely and use the refrigerator as usual. If the problem persists, replace the seal.

Read more: Malfunctions of instantaneous water heaters and their elimination. Do-it-yourself boiler repair: possible malfunctions and instructions for eliminating them

Freon failure

Measure the temperature in the freezer. If it is lower than the value of -18 degrees, then the volume of refrigerant is too high. In this case, the refrigerator compartment is very cold, the return outlet tube becomes wet or becomes covered with frost. You can adjust the operation of the Stinol refrigerator yourself. It is enough just to reduce the dose of freon.

When the temperature in the freezer is reduced to 25 degrees, the cabinet becomes warm and the back wall is slightly covered with frost. You can also fix such a breakdown yourself by bringing the volume of refrigerant to normal.

The problems with refrigerant do not end there. In rare cases, the substance leaks and oily spots form on the surface. If such a problem occurs, call a specialist. Repairs may require refrigerant charging or subassembly component replacement.

Refrigerator temperature task

You should not risk your health and try to fix the problem yourself. Freon vapor is poisonous, so you can only work with it wearing special protective equipment.

This type of breakdown includes:

  1. malfunction of the thermal relay or starting device;
  2. breakdown of the compressor, fan and other mechanisms;
  3. the problem is in the thermal fuse or the No Frost system;
  4. freezer or timer malfunction;
  5. breakdown in the heater pan;
  6. clogging of the drainage system.

Another common failure in Stinol refrigerators is a decrease in the insulation resistance of the electrical system. Such problems must be resolved with the help of a service center. There, the damaged part will be replaced with a new mechanism and its operation will be diagnosed.

Refrigerator repair

One of the common problems with the Stinol refrigerator is that its power does not turn on. Possible defects include:

  1. faulty plug or power cord;
  2. the compressor winding is broken;
  3. The thermostat or start relay does not work;
  4. Timer failure in defrost position.

There are times when the refrigerator gets too cold. This is due to:

  1. fast freeze button sticking;
  2. incorrect adjustment of the thermo knob.

Weak freezing occurs due to:

  1. breakdown of the temperature regulator;
  2. loose fit of the filler and loss of its elasticity;
  3. reduced compressor performance;
  4. violation of the integrity of the electrical circuit.


Another common problem is the breakdown of the freezer, because there are times when the freezer refuses to freeze. The reason for this phenomenon is a leak of freon gas or depressurization of the system. If you notice that heat is accumulating inside the freezer, then most likely there is a breakdown in the No Frost system. Troubleshooting can only be done with the help of specialists from the service center.

If you notice that moisture is accumulating at the bottom of the unit, then the output tube is to blame. The problem may also arise due to clogging of this tube with small particles.

Checking the Thermostat

The temperature controller often fails. This is due to the fact that the thermostat of the German company Ranko, which was installed in the refrigerator, has a short working life - approximately 5-6 years. If the temperature controller in the refrigerator is not working, the compressor will not start. To exclude other breakdowns, it is necessary to check the serviceability of this part.

At home, it is difficult to check whether the device is working or not. However, there are 2 ways to determine the operating status.

  1. The regulator contacts numbered 3 and 4 (in the diagram of the 103rd model they are designated as TH 1 or TH 2) must be closed. Thanks to this, the integrity of the electrical circuit and the supply of mains voltage to the compressor input (in the CO 1 or CO 2 circuit) are maintained. It is necessary to determine whether the supply voltage is supplied to the regulator contacts. If it is not there, then the integrity of the entire circuit from the electrical outlet is checked; if there is, the power is turned off and the contacts are dialed. If they break, the part must be replaced.
  2. You can also short-circuit the thermostat input contacts. If the compressor starts working, the regulator is faulty. Otherwise, the breakdown did not occur to him. The malfunction is also determined by ear: when the thermostat switch is mechanically turned, a click occurs. If it is not there, then there is a high probability of a spare part malfunction.

Any malfunction of a refrigeration unit whose service life is more than 10-15 years requires a thorough inspection by a specialist. Repair of Stinol refrigerators most often involves replacing a worn-out part. If you have experience in electrical installation work, you can replace the spare part yourself. But when breakdowns occur too often, you should think about purchasing a more modern version of the refrigeration appliance.

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